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Messages - paulochon

Pages: [1]
General / Re: SFML firt exemple static compilation
« on: December 31, 2014, 04:53:10 am »
Yep u right, its a wrap up but its more a help for Dev-Cpp guys since the tut provided led me to errors.
I followed the tut on code:blocks but at first i just put the 3 lib (graphic, window, system) and thought it was enough. then I added the missing lib (jpeg, freetype. etc...) but got still errors due to the fact that the tut was giving glew , instead of glew32 and also i was putting those extra lib before the sfml-xxx libs instead of after them. So before reaching the right config i got errors and was trying different combinations, that the purpose of my post , to provide the right config for the guys in the same situation.


General / SFML firt exemple static compilation
« on: December 31, 2014, 04:33:30 am »
Just to bring my 5 penny to the pot...
I just installed SFML and was trying a static compilation (Using Dev-Cpp and 64 bits versions) of the exemple provided in the tut.

i first get into troubles with linkage errors like
D:\SFML-2.2-gcc481-64bit\lib\libsfml-window-s.a(Window.cpp.obj)   Window.cpp:(.text+0x16d): undefined reference to `sf::Clock::Clock()'
D:\SFML-2.2-gcc481-64bit\lib\libsfml-graphics-s.a(RenderWindow.cpp.obj)   RenderWindow.cpp:
(.text+0x385): undefined reference to `glReadPixels'

After googling on the web ,
- i realized that the importance of the order of lib declaration
- Also i made a mistake using glew instead of glew32

After various trial and error , i finally ended with the right config that could help others
so in the section parameters / Linker section, i added

in the parameters / C++:

and of course, in directories/library dirtectories:

and include/library dirtectories:

everything worked perfectly after that
Hope it ll help


Nota: Dont know why Dev-cpp uses this kind of declaration , instead of just

Pages: [1]