Hi all!
Just today, I made a fork on GitHub and began some work to port SFML 2.0 context creation to EGL on Windows (and Linux eventually) using
PowerVR SDK Why? Because I've just ordered my very own
PandaBoard ES and I want to use SFML to make some cool little apps.
But now I'm stuck...I don't know if anybody know more than me (and Google doesn't for the first time
) but when creating the EGL Context I get an Error 0x3003, whick is a 'Bad Alloc'...
If someone can help me I'll really appreciate!
My repo :
https://github.com/kkitsune/SFML-EGLMy code :
https://github.com/kkitsune/SFML-EGL/tree/master/src/SFML/Window/EGLP.S. : Sorry if I'm not in the right forum...I think it's the best match for my question
P.P.S : And Sorry for my english...It is not my native language
Thanks in advance!