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Messages - bock

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: [GUI] SFML backend for ImGui
« on: July 06, 2015, 02:13:09 am »
> What isn't implemented:
>  Stencils. If the horizontal ImGui window size is too small, you'll still see transparent rectangles, as SFML does not provide support for clipping, and I haven't gotten around to working on a solution.

Note that you want scissoring and not stencil. Scissoring is a cheaper operation than stenciling which rely on a buffer.

- For some reason it's not supported in sf::RenderStates. It's a rather rarely used feature but it's also trivial to implement so perhaps it could be added to SFML.

- Otherwise you can do the scissoring in a shader (which is possibly what a graphics card driver would do for do when enabling scissoring anyway). Pass the float4 cliprect as a uniform to your shader and do a clipping in the pixel shader/

( - Or last resort you might be able to use sf::View::setViewport() as a workaround for the clipping, but I don't know how SFML behave in term of performance when changing the viewport. but adding it to the shader would be more sane. )

SFML projects / Re: [GUI] SFML backend for ImGui
« on: March 09, 2015, 10:00:55 am »
Would be nice to have that pushed into the main repo.

SFML projects / Re: [GUI] SFML backend for ImGui
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:04:08 pm »
There was a recent optimisation to compress the PNG to lower bit-per-pixel which although correct, meant the PNG didn't load on some incomplete PNG loader. The optimisation has been reverted now:

caxco93: The answer to your question "now how can one get that string of bytes from a binary file? " was a few lines above the one you looked at, there is a program in the comments that does exactly this.

Pages: [1]