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Messages - BubbleChien

Pages: [1]
System / [SOLVED] Trouble converting v8::String::Utf8Value to sf::String
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:55:34 am »

I've been attempting to convert from v8::String::Utf8Value (which return a char*) to sf::String.

Using a temp std::string with sf::String::fromUtf8 fails.

I'm using the sf::String to feed sf::Text, and while giving the UTF-8 string directly gives the expected extra characters, the result of fromUtf8 shows question marks in squares. The font is fine, tried using a wide string literal and it worked.

Here's what I'm doing at the moment :

JS_RETRIEVE_INSTANCE(sf::Text); // this creates the instance variable
v8::String::Utf8Value str(val); // val is a v8::Local<v8::Value> variable
std::string utf8(*str); // here *str returns a char*

I'm probably missing some obvious stuff since I haven't really had to deal with encodings in the past, so that would be great if someone's able to help me :)

EDIT: Some changes in the code fixed it, though I have no clue what did; pretty sure the issue was not SFML related.

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