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Messages - Haize

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Window / Re: OSX XBox Controller Z trigger and dpad not recognised
« on: November 10, 2023, 06:23:07 pm »
Great stuff. Thank you kindly.

Window / Re: OSX XBox Controller Z trigger and dpad not recognised
« on: November 09, 2023, 12:01:02 pm »
Hello. Thanks for the replies.

Which controller are you using? It is an official Xbox one?

You mention that you get no input from the triggers. Although I'm pretty sure this isn't the issue, make sure you don't press them together.

It seems weird that the right analog stick is using Z and R for its axis when there are perfectly good pairs of axes for them (mine doesn't even use the R axis at all!).

Does this mean that you can only get input on left axis pair and Z/R pair (and all the buttons)? That is, none of the other axes are getting input at all?

To answer @Hapax:
- Yes, I'm using an official wireless xbox PC controller
- I've been pressing the two triggers seperately and together, get no input either way
- Yeah, it's wierd that I'm getting R & Z axis inputs mapped to the right analog stick :shrug:
- I'm not sure I understand the question. Currently X & Y are mapped to the left analog stick and R & Z to the right analog stick. In regards to the buttons - A, B, X, Y, right shoulder, left shoulder, left axis press, right axis press, and the left menu button (one below and to the left of the central X box button) all work. But I don't get anything for the Dpad or the other menu button below and to the right of the central X box button don't register any input.

@eXpl0it3r here's some testing code I've written as requested:

#include <SFML/Graphics/RenderWindow.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Event.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window/Joystick.hpp>
#include <iostream>

std::string axisToString(const sf::Joystick::Axis axis) {
  switch (axis) {
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::PovX:
      return "PovX";
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::PovY:
      return "PovY";
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::R:
      return "R";
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::U:
      return "U";
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::V:
      return "V";
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::X:
      return "X";
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::Y:
      return "Y";
    case sf::Joystick::Axis::Z:
      return "Z";
      return "";

int main() {
  sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Test Gamepad");

  std::vector<sf::Joystick::Axis> connectedAxis;
  int numButtons = 0;
  int gamePadIdx = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < sf::Joystick::Count; i++) {
    if (sf::Joystick::isConnected(i)) {
      gamePadIdx = i;
      std::cout << "found connected gamepad at idx: " << gamePadIdx
                << std::endl;

      numButtons = sf::Joystick::getButtonCount(gamePadIdx);
      std::cout << "number of buttons: " << numButtons << std::endl;


      for (int i = sf::Joystick::Axis::X; i < sf::Joystick::AxisCount; i++) {
        sf::Joystick::Axis axis = static_cast<sf::Joystick::Axis>(i);
        if (sf::Joystick::hasAxis(gamePadIdx, axis)) {
          std::cout << "has axis: " << axisToString(axis) << std::endl;


  while (window.isOpen()) {
    sf::Event event;
    while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
      switch (event.type) {
        case sf::Event::Closed: {
          std::cout << "shutting down" << std::endl;
        case sf::Event::KeyPressed: {
          if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) {
            std::cout << "shutting down" << std::endl;
        case sf::Event::JoystickConnected: {
          // Don't override if there's already a joystick id
          if (gamePadIdx == -1) {
            gamePadIdx = event.joystickConnect.joystickId;

            std::cout << "found connected gamepad at idx: " << gamePadIdx
                      << std::endl;

            numButtons = sf::Joystick::getButtonCount(gamePadIdx);
            std::cout << "number of buttons: " << numButtons << std::endl;


            for (int i = sf::Joystick::Axis::X; i < sf::Joystick::AxisCount;
                 i++) {
              sf::Joystick::Axis axis = static_cast<sf::Joystick::Axis>(i);
              if (sf::Joystick::hasAxis(gamePadIdx, axis)) {
                std::cout << "has axis: " << axisToString(axis) << std::endl;
        case sf::Event::JoystickDisconnected: {
          if (event.joystickConnect.joystickId == gamePadIdx) {
            std::cout << "gamepad disconnected at idx: " << gamePadIdx
                      << std::endl;
            gamePadIdx = -1;

    if (gamePadIdx != -1) {
      // Log axis movement
      static const float deadZone = 20.f;
      for (int i = 0; i < connectedAxis.size(); i++) {
        const float axisPos =
            sf::Joystick::getAxisPosition(gamePadIdx, connectedAxis);

        if (std::abs(axisPos) > deadZone) {
          std::cout << "Axis: " << axisToString(connectedAxis)
                    << ", Pos: " << axisPos << std::endl;

      // Log button presses
      for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) {
        if (sf::Joystick::isButtonPressed(gamePadIdx, i)) {
          std::cout << "Button: " << i << " is pressed" << std::endl;

When I run this code locally with a controller already connected (wirelessly or wired) I get the output:

Unexpected usage for element of Page Generic Desktop: 0x1
Unexpected usage for element of Page Generic Desktop: 0x1
Joystick (vendor/product id: 0x45e/0xb20) range is an unexpected one: [1, 8]
found connected gamepad at idx: 0
number of buttons: 15
has axis: X
has axis: Y
has axis: Z
has axis: R

The first three lines seem to indicate something isn't right with how the mac OS platform functions are being called, maybe in https://github.com/SFML/SFML/blob/2.6.x/src/SFML/Window/OSX/JoystickImpl.cpp (I hadn't seen this log before as I first discovered this issue when writing a game which was outputting a lot to stdout owing to another library).

When testing the axis and buttons I get the corresponding stdout for the results I mentioned earlier:
> I'm not sure I understand the question. Currently X & Y are mapped to the left analog stick and R & Z to the right analog stick. In regards to the buttons - A, B, X, Y, right shoulder, left shoulder, left axis press, right axis press, and the left menu button (one below and to the left of the central X box button) all work. But I don't get anything for the Dpad or the other menu button below and to the right of the central X box button don't register and input.

I should also mention I've been building from the 2.6.x branch and I'm using macOS 12.7.1, maybe I need to downgrade the SFML version I'm using?

Hope that helps, let me know if you need any more information or testing.

Many Thanks,

Window / OSX XBox Controller Z trigger and dpad not recognised
« on: November 01, 2023, 05:47:09 pm »
This is similar to a previous post https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=23034.msg160158#msg160158, but I thought I'd create a new post as that one is over five years old.

I'm using SFML 2.6. When using my xbox controller I get no input from the triggers or dpad. I tested using some other controller testing software and the trigger and dpad worked as expected, so the issue seems to be with SFML. Is this a known issue?

I should also mention that the Z axis, which is the axis I would have expected the trigger to be assinged to, is actually assigned to the right analog stick X axis (so does the horizontal input for the analog stick which uses R for vertical input).

Any help would be appreciated.


General / Re: Bluetooth Xbox one controller OS X not working
« on: November 01, 2023, 12:10:52 pm »
I'm having the same issues using SFML 2.6. No input from the triggers or dpad is being picked up by SFML, works fine when testing controller using different programs. Is this a known issue?

I should also mention that the Z axis, which is the axis I would have expected the trigger to be registered as, is actually assigned to the right analog stick X axis (so does the horizontal input for the analog stick which uses R for vertical input). 

General / Linking error when linking QT IOS app
« on: May 07, 2017, 05:53:53 pm »
Hi everybody,

I am having problems linking a QT IOS app when using the SFML libs.

The error I am getting is

ld: warning: -headerpad_max_install_names is ignored when used with -bitcode_bundle (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE=YES)
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "sf::Shape::~Shape()", referenced from:
      sf::CircleShape::~CircleShape() in main.o
  "sf::CircleShape::CircleShape(float, unsigned long)", referenced from:
      _main in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

So it seems the libraries I have built are not for the architecture I am building for (iPhone SE simulator - x86_64). But I have followed the instructions to build for x86_64. See below.

The main.cpp that references SFML looks like this:
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>

#include <SFML/Graphics/CircleShape.hpp>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

        QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

        sf::CircleShape circleshape;

        return app.exec();

My .pro file includes the sfml-graphics lib:
macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/build/lib/ -lsfml-graphics-s-d

INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../../Libraries/SFML/include
DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../../Libraries/SFML/include

macx: PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/build/lib/libsfml-graphics-s-d.a

To build the SFML libraries I am using I done the following:
  • Downloaded the SFML repo from git hub
  • Set variable "IOS" to true in CMake before configuring and generating a xcode proj. See attached image
  • Opened the generated xcode project and set target to "iPhone SE" (simulator)
  • Built SFML libraries

This resulted in the static libraries I was expecting but when linking with these libraries in QT creator and building for a iPhone SE simulator I get the linking error above. When opening the Xcode proj generator by QT creator I also get the same linking error.

I have followed the instructions from the post https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=13716.0

Has anyone been able to get SFML working for IOS? And better still QT and IOS? I am having a hard time finding any resources on this subject. So is IOS still in experimental stage with SFML?

Thanks for any help you can give.

General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 17, 2015, 06:14:17 pm »
EDIT: For other poor souls like me with an Nvidia Optimus card please look into using the bumblebee graphics package as from my experience it is by far the most stable. You do have the inconvenience of needing to set which programs use your Nvidia card and which do not, but this is minor in comparison to your desktop freezing every 5 minutes (in my experience anyway). 

Seems I was wrong again. I found that after closer inspection the bumblebee drivers were causing errors with X Server. I decided to give the Nvidia drivers a go again and found this solved the errors with the scene rendered as expected and no need for manually executing a program with the command:

I followed these steps:

*NOTE* Make sure you have the nouveau driver installed so you can use it after purging Nvidia drivers.

1. First select the nouveau driver from Software Settings -> Software and Updates -> Additional Drivers.
Now purge all Nvidia and bumblebee driver/packages:
sudo apt-get purge bumblebee*
sudo apt-get pruge nvidia-*

2. Reboot

3. After reboot reinstall the nvidia-331,  nvidia-prime and  nvidia-settings drivers/packages.

On Ubuntu 14.04 you can do this easily using the top right menu. Navigate to "Software Settings" -> "Software and Updates" -> "Additional Drivers" and select Nvidia 331-113. This will install the listed packages. Other distros can just use repositories I guess.

4. Reboot Again.

5. After reboot you should be able to run the command:

This will bring up the settings for you Nvidia GPU, you may need to change the performance settings under "PRIME profiles" and here you set the GPU. This may take logging in and out to take effect.

6. From here everything should work fine, well it is for me so far...  :-\

I found this guide useful:


General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:58:49 am »
Thought I should add that after my success with using bumblebee I attempted to use the Graphics Module again.

Guess what it worked  ;D.

So no I have all the functionality of SFML which is amazing!  8)

I also removed GLU from linking. In the SFML OpenGL tutorial it mentions you may need to link it but seems to work without it.

General / [SOLVED] Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:11:04 pm »
What graphics hardware and driver are you using?

I have a combination of an integrated Intel chip and a Nvidia Optimus GT 620M.

This I discovered was my problem. Running the command:
Before starting code blocks seems to be the solution, with the triangle now being rendered. This command comes from the bumblebee library, more at the bottom. I now get some error messages associated with Xserver after the window closes but that's a matter for another forum as I assume its an issue with my graphics drivers.

you can't force SFML to create a core context like you can in GLFW. This will change soon hopefully :P.

That might explain why GLFW works without prime/primus where as SFML requires it? (using OpenGL 3+)

EDIT: On Windows, your code runs fine. So I am assuming it is a core context issue specific to Linux until gl_dev_new gets merged.

I guess that's the price I will have to pay for developing on Linux.  :(

Mesa3D has this weird thing about not wanting to support compatibility contexts..

I'll have a look into this. Might learn something  ;D

Thanks for all the help,

EDIT: For other poor souls like me with an Nvidia Optimus card please look into using the bumblebee graphics package as from my experience it is by far the most stable. You do have the inconvenience of needing to set which programs use your Nvidia card and which do not, but this is minor in comparison to your desktop freezing every 5 minutes (in my experience anyway). 

Bumblebee website:

Useful tutorial:

General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:41:04 pm »
Maybe its something to do with this code?:
        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4);
        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3);
        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3);

At the moment I am initialising my SFML version with:
    sf::ContextSettings contextSettings;
    contextSettings.depthBits = 32;
    contextSettings.stencilBits = 32;
    contextSettings.antialiasingLevel = 1;
    contextSettings.minorVersion = 3;
    contextSettings.majorVersion = 3;

    // Create the main window
    sf::Window window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600)
                                        , "SFML graphics with OpenGL"
                                        , sf::Style::Default, contextSettings);

        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4);

Not sure what the equivalent is for SFML.  :-\

General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:15:11 pm »
This is never a good idea. If people don't report issues so they can get fixed, you can't expect anything to change for the better ;). For all we know, you could still be misunderstanding something we all assume you understand right.

Wise words  ;D.

Heres the GLFW code that renders:
// Headers
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>

#include "LoadShaders.h"

GLFWwindow* window;

/// Entry point of application
/// \return Application exit code
int main()
        // Initialise GLFW
        if( !glfwInit() )
                fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFW\n" );
                return -1;

        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_SAMPLES, 4);
        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3);
        glfwWindowHint(GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 3);

        // Open a window and create its OpenGL context
        window = glfwCreateWindow( 1024, 768, "Tutorial 02 - Red triangle", NULL, NULL);

        if( window == NULL ){
                fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window. If you have an Intel GPU, they are not 3.3 compatible. Try the 2.1 version of the tutorials.\n" );
                return -1;


                // Initialize GLEW
        glewExperimental = true; // Needed for core profile
        if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GLEW\n");
                return -1;

        // Dark blue background
        glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f);

        GLuint VertexArrayID;
        glGenVertexArrays(1, &VertexArrayID);

        ShaderInfo shader_info[] =
        { GL_VERTEX_SHADER, "shaders/SimpleVertexShader.vertexshader" },
        { GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, "shaders/SimpleFragmentShader.fragmentshader" },
        { GL_NONE, NULL }

        // Create and compile our GLSL program from the shaders
        GLuint programID = LoadShaders(shader_info);

        static const GLfloat g_vertex_buffer_data[] =
                -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
                 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
                 0.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f,

        GLuint vertexbuffer;
        glGenBuffers(1, &vertexbuffer);
        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexbuffer);
        glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(g_vertex_buffer_data), g_vertex_buffer_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

        // Start game loop
        // Clear the depth buffer

        // Use our shader

                // 1rst attribute buffer : vertices
                glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexbuffer);
                        0,                  // attribute 0. No particular reason for 0, but must match the layout in the shader.
                        3,                  // size
                        GL_FLOAT,           // type
                        GL_FALSE,           // normalized?
                        0,                  // stride
                        (void*)0            // array buffer offset

                // Draw the triangle !
                glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3); // 3 indices starting at 0 -> 1 triangle



    } while(glfwGetKey(window, GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE ) != GLFW_PRESS &&
                   glfwWindowShouldClose(window) == 0);

        glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &VertexArrayID);
        glDeleteBuffers(1, &vertexbuffer);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Code blocks linking:



If you can post everything that is required for me to reproduce your application (all source files and shaders should be enough) then I can try to see what the problem could be. I use SFML with modern OpenGL all the time, and I haven't had any major issues so far (well... there are issues, but I know how to handle them :P).

I have attached two code block projects "OpenGL" uses GLFW and "OpenGL-SFML" uses SFML (obviously). Inside you will find directories "src" and "shaders". I hope these help.  :)


General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:32:35 pm »
You always have to link the system module. The graphics, window, network and audio module all depend on it. ;)

First of all Doh! :-[ I remember reading that some time ago but wasn't thinking, thanks.

Now looking at the first screen shot I posted earlier I realise now that I was being an idiot, as the window's title "Tutorial 02 - Red triangle" indicates that I had compiled the GLFW3 version and not the version using SFML.

So basically when I posted:
This worked. Thanks! As you instructed I removed the graphics library and replaced the header: <SFML/Graphics.hpp> with <SFML/Window.hpp> and sf::RenderWindow with sf::Window and now I get my triangle.

I was mistaken.

I am still able to compile the program but the triangle still does not render. Again when I used GLFW for the function calls the triangle renders fine. I'm at a bit of a loss here. Starting to think its best to just wait for updates to SFML before I can use it for OpenGL. Which is a shame.  :'(

Anyone have any idea from my previous source post what I am doing wrong or is it just not possible at the moment to use the modern OpenGL (shaders etc.) in an sf::Window?


General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 02:02:29 pm »
I don't know what I've done now but it now won't compile unless I link the System Module or I get the error
undefined reference to symbol '_ZN2sf6StringC1EPKcRKSt6locale'

Which didn't seem to be the case before when I only linked the Window module and it was rendering. Additionally the triangle is no longer being rendered as the included screenshot shows.

Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>

#include <SFML/Window.hpp>

#include "LoadShaders.h"

/// Entry point of application
/// \return Application exit code
int main()
    // Request a 32-bits depth buffer when creating the window
    sf::ContextSettings contextSettings;
    contextSettings.depthBits = 32;
    contextSettings.minorVersion = 3;
    contextSettings.majorVersion = 3;

    // Create the main window
    sf::Window window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML graphics with OpenGL", sf::Style::Default, contextSettings);


    // Configure the viewport (the same size as the window)
    glViewport(0, 0, window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y);

                // Initialize GLEW
        glewExperimental = true; // Needed for core profile
        if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GLEW\n");
                return -1;

        // Dark blue background
        glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f);

        GLuint VertexArrayID;
        glGenVertexArrays(1, &VertexArrayID);

        ShaderInfo shader_info[] =
        { GL_VERTEX_SHADER, "shaders/SimpleVertexShader.vertexshader" },
        { GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, "shaders/SimpleFragmentShader.fragmentshader" },
        { GL_NONE, NULL }

        // Create and compile our GLSL program from the shaders
        GLuint programID = LoadShaders(shader_info);

        static const GLfloat g_vertex_buffer_data[] =
                -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
                 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
                 0.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f,

        GLuint vertexbuffer;
        glGenBuffers(1, &vertexbuffer);
        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexbuffer);
        glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(g_vertex_buffer_data), g_vertex_buffer_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

        // Start game loop
    while (window.isOpen())
        // Clear the depth buffer

        // Use our shader

                // 1rst attribute buffer : vertices
                glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexbuffer);
                        0,                  // attribute 0. No particular reason for 0, but must match the layout in the shader.
                        3,                  // size
                        GL_FLOAT,           // type
                        GL_FALSE,           // normalized?
                        0,                  // stride
                        (void*)0            // array buffer offset

                // Draw the triangle !
                glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3); // 3 indices starting at 0 -> 1 triangle


        // Finally, display the rendered frame on screen

                // Process events
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            // Close window: exit
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)

            // Escape key: exit
            if ((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape))

            // Adjust the viewport when the window is resized
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized)
                glViewport(0, 0, event.size.width, event.size.height);

        glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &VertexArrayID);
        glDeleteBuffers(1, &vertexbuffer);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

And my linking in code blocks



Can anybody see any problems here? I should have saved that project when it was working :'(

General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 01:45:46 pm »
It's not mandatory, it will just make your life easier since you won't have to deal with SFML changing any states etc. ;)

So there is a way to render in a sf::Window with OpenGL 4+ while using the Graphics module? Is it more in depth or something?

Its just that if I link the Graphics and System module then recompile the triangle no longer renders. I have to add the System module or I get this error:
undefined reference to symbol '_ZN2sf6StringC1EPKcRKSt6locale'

So for me it follows that linking the Graphics module is not possible at this time when using the new OpenGL pipeline, unless I am missing something? Additionally when I link the Window and System module the triangle again doesn't render. Rendering only occurs when I am only linking the Window module, so at the moment I am missing the majority of SFML functionality. If I can only use the Window Module I may as well just use GLFW, please enlighten me.  :-[


General / Re: Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:25:09 pm »
You shouldn't let the SFML example code confuse you. Just create an SFML window, set it active and you are good to go just like you would with those other libraries you know.

If you don't intend to use any sfml-graphics features (sprites, shapes, etc.) then you can completely ignore that module all together and use sfml-window by itself. sfml-window provides roughly the same functionality as GLFW (obviously with a different API) and is perfect if you just want to handle all the OpenGL stuff yourself.

To do this, simply replace your sf::RenderWindow with a simple sf::Window. It is a barebones target for OpenGL operations. You can also replace <SFML/Graphics.hpp> with <SFML/Window.hpp> in this case. Including <SFML/OpenGL.hpp> is also unnecessary since you already included the GLEW header before that.

This worked. Thanks! As you instructed I removed the graphics library and replaced the header: <SFML/Graphics.hpp> with <SFML/Window.hpp> and sf::RenderWindow with sf::Window and now I get my triangle.

Like I said, restrict yourself to the sfml-window module (sf::Window) and you should be good and all the stuff in the book should "just work".

So currently the exclusion of the Graphics module is mandatory when using modern OpenGL. This is a pity as having the classes sf::Texture, sf::Sprite and sf::Text would be beneficial. Guess I will just need to learn to load textures myself  ;)

SFML might one day support a backend that doesn't have to rely on the legacy API on capable hardware, and work is already under way to clean up a lot of the archaic stuff in the SFML code base.

Watch this space I guess  :D

Thanks again for the solution,

General / Problem with drawing OpenGL 3.0+ in SFML window
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:56:57 am »
Hi to the SFML community. Thanks Laurent for giving us this invaluable library ;D

Having recently decided to learn OpenGL I have been attempting to use SFML as a windowing system for 3D rendering. So far I have been using windowing libraries like glfw3, freeglut which work fine for simple projects but lack the extra functionality of SFML.

I have followed the tutorial: http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.2/window-opengl.php. After this I reviewed the example OpenGL + SFML project found in the SFML source. Now as mentioned I am new to OpenGL so was suprised when I found calls like:

    // Enable position and texture coordinates vertex components
    glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), cube);
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), cube + 3);

    glTranslatef(x, y, -100.f);
    glRotatef(clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() * 50.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
    glRotatef(clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() * 30.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
    glRotatef(clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() * 90.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

These don't seem to match the function calls used in the book I am reading: The OpenGL Programming Guide 8th ed. Which covers OpenGL 4.3. I assume these functions belong to older versions of OpenGL? Additionally the sample code doesn't, to my eyes, make use of shaders. From my understanding these are core to the workings of modern OpenGL?

Anyway here is my code so far:

// Headers
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/OpenGL.hpp>

#include "LoadShaders.h"

/// Entry point of application
/// \return Application exit code
int main()
    // Request a 32-bits depth buffer when creating the window
    sf::ContextSettings contextSettings;
    contextSettings.depthBits = 32;
    contextSettings.minorVersion = 3;
    contextSettings.majorVersion = 3;

    // Create the main window
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML graphics with OpenGL", sf::Style::Default, contextSettings);


        // Initialize GLEW
        glewExperimental = true; // Needed for core profile
        if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GLEW\n");
                return -1;

    // Configure the viewport (the same size as the window)
    glViewport(0, 0, window.getSize().x, window.getSize().y);

                // Initialize GLEW
        glewExperimental = true; // Needed for core profile
        if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize GLEW\n");
                return -1;

        // Dark blue background
        glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f);

        GLuint VertexArrayID;
        glGenVertexArrays(1, &VertexArrayID);

        ShaderInfo shader_info[] =
        { GL_VERTEX_SHADER, "shaders/SimpleVertexShader.vertexshader" },
        { GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, "shaders/SimpleFragmentShader.fragmentshader" },
        { GL_NONE, NULL }

        // Create and compile our GLSL program from the shaders
        GLuint programID = LoadShaders(shader_info);

        static const GLfloat g_vertex_buffer_data[] =
                -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
                 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
                 0.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f,

        GLuint vertexbuffer;
        glGenBuffers(1, &vertexbuffer);
        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexbuffer);
        glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(g_vertex_buffer_data), g_vertex_buffer_data, GL_STATIC_DRAW);

        // Start game loop
    while (window.isOpen())
        // Clear the depth buffer

        // Use our shader

                // 1rst attribute buffer : vertices
                glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexbuffer);
                        0,                  // attribute 0. No particular reason for 0, but must match the layout in the shader.
                        3,                  // size
                        GL_FLOAT,           // type
                        GL_FALSE,           // normalized?
                        0,                  // stride
                        (void*)0            // array buffer offset

                // Draw the triangle !
                glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3); // 3 indices starting at 0 -> 1 triangle


        // Finally, display the rendered frame on screen

                // Process events
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            // Close window: exit
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)

            // Escape key: exit
            if ((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape))

            // Adjust the viewport when the window is resized
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized)
                glViewport(0, 0, event.size.width, event.size.height);

        glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &VertexArrayID);
        glDeleteBuffers(1, &vertexbuffer);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


This code compiles and runs fine, but does not render the triangle as expected. Now when I swap the SFML window for a glfw3 window keeping essentially the same code apart from a few extra calls to glfw3 the triangle is rendered. Can anyone see where I am going wrong? If you require more information please let me know.


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