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Messages - Velho

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Relation between sf::keyboard::key and char
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:25:09 pm »
Hello SFML community!

I was wondering about implementing customizable controls for a game I'm currently working on, and this question somewhat popped up on my mind: Is there any way we can convert an sf::keyboard::key (say, A) into its char/string name counterpart?

In order to create an actual options/controls screen, I'd need to be able to convert a sf::keyboard::key into a string of what it represents, which will be shown to the screen. Currently though, the only thing I can think of is manually represent each code as a specific char or string (using a ton of ifs to assign sf::keyboard::key::A into "A", sf::keyboard::key::Lshift into "Left Shift", etc).

I'm pretty sure i'm not the first to face this problem, so is there a better alternative to this?

Thanks in advance :)

For starters sorry  for bumping old topic.
You can always cast the key. According to the API documentation they are represented as ints. So basically
char letter_a = static_cast<char>('A' + sf::Keyboard::Key::A); // Should give you 'A'.
char letter_b = static_cast<char>('A' + sf::Keyboard::Key::B); // Should give you 'B'.
// etc ...

But i guess it's dependant on your locale, etc.

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