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Messages - SoroGin

Pages: [1]
General / Re: SFML 2.2 Sample Code Not Working With Xcode 6.1.1
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:26:29 pm »
Oh, yes, sorry. I removed the old SFML folder in /usr/local/include and replaced it with the new one and it works now. I suppose I've just been absentmindedly neglecting this particular part.

Thank you very much for your patience and help.

General / Re: SFML 2.2 Sample Code Not Working With Xcode 6.1.1
« on: February 13, 2015, 12:32:45 pm »
Oh, right, sorry.

I went back to /Library/Frameworks and deleted all the SFML related frameworks and re-copied all the SFML 2.2 ones, include the two external libraries, and it still doesn't work. Is there something I'm still neglecting to look at?

General / Re: SFML 2.2 Sample Code Not Working With Xcode 6.1.1
« on: February 13, 2015, 10:50:26 am »
By old binaries, I'm assuming you mean the project.app file that's output as a result of running in Xcode, right? I tried deleting and re-running, and it still doesn't work. I also tried running clean first and then running, if that would make a difference.

General / SFML 2.2 Sample Code Not Working With Xcode 6.1.1 [SOLVED]
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:33:09 am »
For some reason, I can't get the sample code to run correctly. Xcode stops with a bad access error on window.clear().

I've double-checked that I have the command line tools installed and corresponding SFML files are in the correct places.

Here is the code that I am trying to run:

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main(int, char const**)
    // Create the main window
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML window");

    // Start the game loop
    while (window.isOpen())
        // Process events
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            // Close window: exit
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) {

            // Escape pressed: exit
            if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) {

        // Clear screen

        // Update the window

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Pages: [1]