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Messages - Chrescht1337

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General / SFML & TGUI installation
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:29:32 am »
I wanted to use SFML and TGUI to make a small game, but I have come upon some problems while installing these libraries.
Using, I installed SFML via
sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
, as suggested in the tutorial. to install TGUI, I downloaded it from https://tgui.eu/download/ option "Download TGUI v0.6.7 without precompiled libraries (to build it with CMake for any compiler with any SFML 2.x version)". while trying to install TGUI, i get the following error multiple times :
error: ‘class sf::String’ has no member named ‘substring’
. when I look at String.hpp /usr/include/SFML/System, there are a lot of signatures lacking who should be there. when I download sfml via http://www.sfml-dev.org/download.php and look at String.hpp, I get the necessary methods and all, but this seems quite odd.
Is there something I should have done in addtion to
sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev

Hope I made myself clear

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