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Messages - dri123

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General / iOS on windows
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:20:57 pm »
I have looked through all the forums and still cannot find an explanation for this. I do have experience with SFML and c++ but no experience with cmake,  OS X etc. There is a detailed explanation for android but not iOS?

I have installed cmake and looked at the cmake-gui but cannot find the Xcode generator on there? not sure if this is because I am running windows but yeah this was the first hurdle. I have looked all over the main topics but cannot find anything. Sorry if I missed anything on the forum but have looked around it :/

 I checked through all of this thread: http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=13716.240
but the majority of it seems to be android and there is nothing about building/compiling for iOS for windows?

Just looking for a push in the right direction :/

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