Network / Where does SFML Android save FTP files?
« on: March 28, 2015, 08:43:08 pm »
I've been experimenting with Android version of SFML and made it connect to an FTP server.
It works pretty well, but when I try to download or upload a file from/to the server, it doesn't happen to be there.
I'm almost sure that sf::Ftp doesn't use neither "/", "/sdcard" nor the assets directory for its operations on files, so I'd like to ask - what is the main directory of sf::Ftp on Android?
Here is the code I'm using, although I don't think it's important:
Of course any of these upload/download commands don't seem to do anything.
Thanks for the help
It works pretty well, but when I try to download or upload a file from/to the server, it doesn't happen to be there.
I'm almost sure that sf::Ftp doesn't use neither "/", "/sdcard" nor the assets directory for its operations on files, so I'd like to ask - what is the main directory of sf::Ftp on Android?
Here is the code I'm using, although I don't think it's important:
Ftp test;
Ftp::Response response = test.connect("blahblah.com", 21);
response = test.login("username","andsomepassword");
test.upload("androidUploadTest.txt", "", sf::Ftp::Binary);
test.download("test.txt", "", sf::Ftp::Ascii);
test.download("test2.txt", "/sdcard/", sf::Ftp::Ascii);
Ftp::Response response = test.connect("blahblah.com", 21);
response = test.login("username","andsomepassword");
test.upload("androidUploadTest.txt", "", sf::Ftp::Binary);
test.download("test.txt", "", sf::Ftp::Ascii);
test.download("test2.txt", "/sdcard/", sf::Ftp::Ascii);
Of course any of these upload/download commands don't seem to do anything.
Thanks for the help