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Messages - Somnia

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Any advice on optimal sprite rendering?
« on: March 23, 2010, 10:44:39 am »

I'm just designing my systems for things like tilesets and animated sprites. I'm wondering if there any guidelines for how best to set up your sf::Images. Is there likely to be any disadvantage in having every frame of animation in a separate image/texture? Alternatively I could use subrects and have say one animation cycle per texture, This would probably end up being around 512 x 512, but wih a bit of empty space. Is that a good size?

It's possible this kind of thing is completely hardware dependent, or that I'll never tell the difference for a modest number of sprites.

General discussions / SFML window in MFC
« on: February 25, 2010, 11:56:51 am »
Yuk. Although MFC might not be much better when it comes to using modern C++. Quite a few classes use LPCSTR type things for example, although it does at lease use exceptions. This might not be rational but I'm comforted a bit by the fact that MFC has been used to make loads of commercial apps, even if the devs hated every minute of it.

But anyway my choice is made now. But I seem to have run into a problem. If I have a dialog with an SFML wnd inside it and then try and to create another modal dialog from within this one then the program hangs. If I hide the SFML window before calling DoModal then it works fine. Can anyone think why that would be?

It's not so critical obviously I can just make the dialogs modeless, or hide the window as I said, but it'd be nice to solve anyway.

General discussions / SFML window in MFC
« on: February 11, 2010, 04:00:58 pm »

Cheers for the quick reply, seems to be working fine.

As for MFC, I know it's not the best but I have three years professional experience with it so i think I can be quite productive with it in spite of it's foibles. The only other GUI I'd be motivated to learn is .NET, but I'm worried about how to integrate that with my C++ engine. I know it can be done by wrapping things in a managed DLL, but I feel a bit tentative about doing that. (I don't know if anyone has manged to get SFML rendering in a C# .NET app in this way.)

General discussions / SFML window in MFC
« on: February 11, 2010, 01:47:00 pm »

I want to use MFC as an editor for my game. Has anyone had any success in integrating an SFML window into MFC? I've seen that it's possible to do use OpenGL in a class that inherits from CView as in this project:


I'm a bit clueless about windowing and such so I'm not sure where to begin in doing the equivalent for SFML.

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