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Messages - agmcleod

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: 'Tiled' Tile-map Loader
« on: May 13, 2015, 07:32:56 pm »
The problem might be that the code is relying on implicit conversions. Make sure that the arguments provided to std::make_share have exactly the same types as the parameters in the constructor, and that there are no ambiguous constructor overloads. (Although I would expect a slightly different error message for that, too...)

Or maybe you have a crippled std::make_shared() implementation (before variadic templates), which supports only one argument?

I was thinking that too, I started looking at the tmxloader code base a bit last night to see if it was mix matched somehow.

Keep in mind, this is me just clone the repo, generating the Xcode template via cmake, and trying to compile it. I have done no code changes, left it completely as is.

SFML projects / Re: 'Tiled' Tile-map Loader
« on: May 12, 2015, 04:02:10 am »
Sorry for newb question, just having trouble building the xcode project. Wondering if anyone has successfully. I think the issue is the with the compiler set.

I get errors like:

// /Users/aaronmcleod/Documents/programming/c/sfml-tmxloader/include/tmx/MapLayer.h:75:45: A space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >')
    mutable std::vector<std::vector<sf::Vertex>> m_patches;

All of these get "No matching function for call to make_shared:

m_children.push_back(std::make_shared<QuadTreeNode>(m_level + 1, sf::FloatRect(x + halfWidth, y, halfWidth, halfHeight)));
        m_children.push_back(std::make_shared<QuadTreeNode>(m_level + 1, sf::FloatRect(x, y, halfWidth, halfHeight)));
        m_children.push_back(std::make_shared<QuadTreeNode>(m_level + 1, sf::FloatRect(x, y + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight)));
        m_children.push_back(std::make_shared<QuadTreeNode>(m_level + 1, sf::FloatRect(x+ halfWidth, y + halfHeight, halfWidth, halfHeight)));

I went into build settings, and ensured the Language C++ is set to use C++11, and libc++ (LLVM C++ standard library with C++11 support). But the compile errors still come back.

Pages: [1]