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Messages - Suixle

Pages: [1]
General / How to randomly create rectangles?
« on: May 22, 2015, 03:38:57 am »
I'm just trying to grasp a topic that I'm sure is possible in SFML, but I have no idea how it would be done. What I'm planning to do is create a program that would make multiple sf::RectangleShape(s) and have then individually move downward at the same time. I understand how sf::Threads are used, so my problem isn't coming from that, but I wouldn't know where to start when making a function that creates multiple objects, then moves them all individually.

Another application I hope to use this in is to create a gun that has multiple projectiles on the screen at once. But I have no idea where to start.

( Please help, I have a coding event coming up soon and I want to learn how to do this before I can feel competent enough to build a program on the fly. )

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