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Messages - rewitt1

Pages: [1]
Grab the Dependency Walker, launch it and drag & drop your executable into it.

It will list you in a tree structure the library files loaded by your executable. Make sure it accesses the correct versions of SFML etc. If it doesn't, that's a starting point to find out where/why it's grabbing different versions.

Thanks for your answer! I downloaded dw and it showed that some files were missing. I tried putting the dlls in system32 again but the error still remains.

I checked the include and library directories and they were up to date. Then I tried to rebuild the project and there was no difference.

And the weird thing is that the examples included in the examples folder worked totally fine. So there must be something happening when compiling?

Thanks for all your help!

Thanks for replying!

I don't know, It just showed up, and I had to fill something in. I probably just pressed the wrong button.

I redownloaded "Visual C++ 12 (2013) - 32-bit" from sfml-dev.org after installing Visual Studio 2013.

Is this the wrong file? this is the 2.3 version, right?

I have windows 8 if that matters.

Hello! I have used SFML for codeblocks for a while and now decided to switch to Visual Studio 2013. After trying for a few hours, I went here to adress my problem: When running the program, the console shows up and then a box comes up saying:

Cannot find the procedureentrypoint ??1CircleShaoe@sf@@UAE@XZ in the DLL-file c:\users\anton\documents\visual studio 2013\MegaProject\Release\MegaProject.exe

Here's my code:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
        sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
        sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);

        while (window.isOpen())
                sf::Event event;
                while (window.pollEvent(event))
                        if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)


        return 0;

This has never happened to me so I have no clue what's going on here :'(
What should I do to fix this? Thanks!

Btw, I am NOT using a static thingy to try to skip using DLL files. Though I tried it and it didn't work either  :-\

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