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Messages - Endolf

Pages: [1]
General / Possible use in JInput
« on: September 18, 2009, 07:42:58 pm »

I work on an open source java input API called JInput. Originally part of Sun Microsystems gaming initiative. Currently under linux we talk directly with /dev/input/eventX device nodes. This causes issues as we need read access to the nodes and for force feedback, write access.

I would consider using another API in the native layer if it could provide the following key features.

1) The ability to run with no GUI.
2) The ability to run inside X under Ubuntu >9.04 where they started using xevdev and broke JInput compatibility.
3) Reduce or remove the requirements to fiddle with device node permissions.

I've had a quick hunt around the wiki, and tried to search the forums, but can't find the answer to these questions.

I would be grateful if someone could answer these questions.



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