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Messages - druebey

Pages: [1]
Finally got it to work... was the static define in the #define folder...

Thank you all for your help... though it doesnt seem like much it really was alot. I though must say I am happy it happened, so if it happens again, I know what to do next. Gotta learn somethings the hard way.

examples of some of the debug errors:

(click to show/hide)

give me a few seconds to get those screenshooted from the other PC... I dont hook it up to the internet.

UPDATE: I fixed this issue, after reviewing the code itself also... kinda didnt copy well enough... BUT I now have 50 some odd errors now.

Gotta redo it all, jezz oh pete lol... Most of it was errors in my own side.

I have watched youtube videos
Don't do that. Most of them (CodeMadeEasy for example) are not recommendable, and we regularly have to smooth out the mistakes video tutorials teach, this thread being yet another example.

Instead, use the official tutorials on this website to learn SFML.

ACTUALLY this is from the tutorial itself... I only watched the youtube videos to see if I did something wrong in my reading... AND I had not. So please dont make assumptions.

I copied directly from the tutorial and still am having issues.

First line should be
 #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

still has no such file or directory

General / Just downloaded and applied tutorial... its not working
« on: May 27, 2015, 01:26:40 pm »
I keep getting Fatal error: SFML/Graphic.HPP: no such file or directory when I compile.

attachment is screenshot.

Windows XP SP 3 is the OS, Version 13.12 of codeblocks 32bit, and GCC 4.8.1 TDM (SJLJ) - 32-bit version of SFML 2.3.

I have watched youtube videos and like to try to figure out what is going on... but nothing seems to be working.

I have done everything to the letter on this... and its still not working. :o :'(

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