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Messages - Tuojar

Pages: [1]
General / Re: SFML won't build on Code::Blocks
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:50:08 pm »
I am running 64 bit Windows 7  and using Code::Blocks 13.12 with the default TDM-GCC 4.7.1 compiler and SFML 2.3 (64 bit SLJL).
Almost all Windows apps are compiled in 32 bits. The compiler you're using is also in 32 bits. So you'll need to download the 32 bits version of SFML.
Oh wow I am feeling stupid now :D. I have no idea how I managed to overlook that, but I really appreciate the help. Thanks!

General / Re: SFML won't build on Code::Blocks
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:34:29 pm »
Oh ofc. The image is there, but as I said you need to scroll to the side to actually see it. A shame if you can't find anything else wrong with this but thanks anyways.

General / Re: SFML won't build on Code::Blocks
« on: May 28, 2015, 05:22:34 pm »
Thanks for the reply.
The flipped words were an obvious mistake, but fixing that made no difference at all. I have posted the release linking, it is in a picture next to the debug linking. I stupidly didn't think about the forum's dimensions when patching the images together.
About the linker path, I am actually not sure how I'm supposed to even go about displaying it. I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding something here.

General / SFML won't build on Code::Blocks (solved)
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:57:50 pm »
For two days now I have tried to get SFML working with Code::Blocks, but have been completely unsuccessful. I have tried to follow the tutorial as faithfully as possible and have made about six projects on two different computers trying to fix this.
Just to make sure, I made two new projects, one statically linked and one dynamically, and didn't manage to get either working (the pictures below are from these).

So all in all I am completely stumped here. I have carefully read through the tutorial and other documentation but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong. I have also read forum posts from people with similar troubles, but said problems were either due to mistakes I have at least not found in my own setup, or were simply left unresolved in the thread.

I admit that I have very little experience with using libraries etc. and hope that this is all just due to some rookie mistake I made and would be very thankful if someone were able to help me with this.

I am running 64 bit Windows 7  and using Code::Blocks 13.12 with the default TDM-GCC 4.7.1 compiler and SFML 2.3 (64 bit SLJL).

Screenshots inside spoilers. Some of the images require scrolling to be seen in full, sorry for that.

Build options:
(click to show/hide)

Code: (same in both)
(click to show/hide)

Build logs:
(click to show/hide)

Pages: [1]