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Messages - anna_linkpy

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Some newby questions !
« on: July 18, 2015, 04:52:02 pm »
Okayyyyy ! So awesome !

When I looked at the API, I didn't see any function for drawing a VertexArray with a texture ! Now I can start my project ! Thanks a lot !  :D

Graphics / Re: Some newby questions !
« on: July 18, 2015, 12:18:38 pm »
Yes, it's VertexArray, not VertexBuffer sorry ^^'

But, I look at the API... I see that VertexArray class doesn't have texturing method... How can I use texture with this class ?

Graphics / Re: Some newby questions !
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:52:06 pm »
Sorry, I'm a Löve2D user, so I'm used to LuaJIT and it's speed (with my projet, I checked every "draw" call, and even with this my render was slow : 102FPS... Or it was pretty fast if we consider my actual PC :o ).

I will try and go look for VertexBuffer.

PS: I don't do this for a performance problem, I'm just maniac and I want my game to be fast and enjoyable on very old PC ^^

Graphics / Some newby questions !
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:29:29 pm »
Helloooooo thereeeee ! :D

So, I'm not really a newby, but I never wanted to use SFML for doing what I want to do. And here comes my questions :

I/ About sf::Sprite :
sf::Sprite sprite = // ... //

// ... Code code code ... //

// Drawing part
sprite.setTextureRect (// ... //);
window.draw (sprite);
sprite.setTextureRect (// ... //);
sprite.setPosition (// ... //);
window.draw (sprite);

If I have got a texture atlas, this code will works or not ?

II/ No sprite batch for optimized drawing ?

III/ It was a retoric question ! But, How can I optimize map drawing ?

Thanks for your answers ! :3

Pages: [1]