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Messages - kaikalii

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Procedure entry point issue when executing program
« on: October 11, 2015, 01:34:28 pm »
@eXpl0it3r Okay thanks. I downloaded the source, and obviously I include the "include" folder, but which folders correspond to the lib and bin from the codeblocks-specific version?

General / Procedure entry point issue when executing program
« on: October 11, 2015, 01:17:17 pm »
I am using SFML with mingw32 without any kind of IDE. I directly link and include from the SFML 2.3.2 for GCC 4.8.1 32-bit folder. I link and include from the makefile for my programs, and the folder that contains the executable also contains all of the necessary DLLs from the SFML bin. My program compiles successfully, but when I try to run it, I am met with:
The procedure entry point __gxx_personality_sj0 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll.

How can I resolve this? Admittedly, I do not know a great amount about the inner workings of compilers, so responses that are less esoteric would be appreciated. If there is any other information that I should include, please let me know.

In the past, I have compiled SFML in a similar way, but on Linux, and it worked perfectly. However, I am trying to do it on Windows, and have run into this issue.

General / Installing SFML on Windows without an IDE
« on: July 21, 2015, 02:03:01 am »
I want to install SFML on Windows, where I use only the mingw gcc compiler and no IDE. There is a great tutorial on how to do this on Linux, but for Windows, the only installation tutorials available are for Visual C++ and Code::Blocks, neither of which I wish to use. Assuming I already have gcc installed, and only gcc, how can I install SFML on Windows so that it compiles in a way similar to the Linux tutorial?

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