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Messages - Setepenre

Pages: [1]
Network / TCP and Graphics in one Single Thread
« on: August 28, 2015, 08:12:57 pm »
I think I found something weird about SFML network handling. Here is my stack overflow post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32260637/sfml-tcp-socket-bidirectional-communication


- Simple Sever/Client, One thread.
- Client sends data to server once then the client is unable to receive more data from the server (it thinks it is disconnected, but it can send data) while the server is still receiving and sending data to the client correctly.

Solution I found:
- remove the client window (graphics, events)
- move the network specific into another thread (detached, with its own loop)

I was wondering if I could make the single thread program work with graphics.
did I missed something ?


Pages: [1]