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Messages - deadc0der

Pages: [1]
Window / Bug: Window menu doesn't work on OSX
« on: May 19, 2016, 07:55:53 pm »
Hi, I think I found a bug in the OSX version of SFML.

The "Window" menu in the menu bar normally contains the options "Minimize", "Zoom" and "Enter Full Screen", as well as a list of windows. In an SFML program, though these menu items exist, they are greyed out, which also has the unfortunate side-effect that the familiar keyboard shortcuts for these actions don't work either.

I was able to reproduce the problem on a simple program that only creates a window and runs an event loop, and even on all of the examples (except, of course, the command-line ones), which leads me to believe the problem was effectively in SFML.

So, does the problem always happen or is it just on my machine?

EDIT: I tried to associate the "Minimize" menu item with the selector miniaturize: instead of performMiniaturize:. That didn't change anything.

EDIT 2: I was able to get "Minimize" and "Zoom" to work (the items are enabled, and perform the requested function) by associating these menu items with the following custom selectors:
- (void) doMiniaturize: (id) sender {
        [[self keyWindow] performMiniaturize: sender];

- (void) doZoom: (id) sender {
        [[self keyWindow] performZoom: sender];

However, this can't be applied to "Enter Full Screen" and the window list, since these are added by the system (presumably during the call to [NSApp setWindowsMenu]).

I believe the problem is that the menu items target the SFApplication instance, when they should target the current key window (NSWindow does have performMiniaturize and performZoom). However, I don't know how to make the binding such that the target changes when a different window becomes key (apart from overriding the delegate to find out when a different window becomes key, but that seems particularly clumsy).

System / Re: Minor bug: U+FFFF not encoded properly in UTF-16
« on: October 29, 2015, 02:29:49 pm »
Should we create a PR for this '=' to add? ;D

That's probably overkill, a single commit push would do :)

System / Minor bug: U+FFFF not encoded properly in UTF-16
« on: October 29, 2015, 12:17:57 am »
Hi, I think I found a minor bug. When using sf::Utf16 t encode the Unicode character U+FFFF, it is incorrectly encoded as a surrogate pair, while it should be encoded as a single code unit. For confirmation, RFC 2781, which specifies the UTF-16 encoding, specifies in section 2.1:

If U < 0x10000, encode U as a 16-bit unsigned integer and terminate.

U+FFFF (0xFFFF) fulfills this requirement, so it should be encoded as a single code unit. However, include/SFML/System/Utf.inl at line 325 encodes a code point into a single code unit only if it is strictly inferior to 0xFFFF, whereas it should be inferior or equal in order to account for the edge-case that is U+FFFF.

Now, since U+FFFF is barely ever used by applications, this is not going to end the world, but I thought it might be good to report it nonetheless.

NOTE: This is my first post on this forum, so I apologize if this is not the right place to post this.

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