Network / UDP Receive loop problem
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:49:13 pm »
Hello everyone
I've barely started to learn how things in Network library are working and while trying to make a simple send-receive application I've encountered a problem.
This is the code I'm dealing with:
Everything was fine when there was no loop, but I want to receive more than one packet
I've seen the example chat application and it's using thread to manage sending and receiving. Should I do the same and it will work? Or is there something in my code that I don't see 
EDIT: So I've tried to edit my code, done the receiver in another thread and in the main loop I just wait to type "exit". The messages are received properly, but they print after I press enter or write something. I get a feeling that I'm missing something, but looking the example (https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Source:-Network-Chat-Example) there's nothing I can think of
Here's the code as well: http://pastebin.com/FBvGNVyZ
EDIT 2: Could it be because there's no std::endl at the end of std::cout while sending message and it has something to do with buffer? I can't check it right now and I'm dying inside a little
EDIT 3: Yes, it was it. Just needed to add the eol and it's working properly now

This is the code I'm dealing with:
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <iostream>
sf::UdpSocket socket;
std::string msg;
int main() {
if (socket.bind(1500) != sf::Socket::Done) exit (1);
std::cout << "Waiting for message...\n";
sf::IpAddress sender;
unsigned short psender;
while (1==1) {
sf::Packet packet;
socket.receive(packet, sender, psender);
if (packet >> msg) {
std::cout << msg;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
sf::UdpSocket socket;
std::string msg;
int main() {
if (socket.bind(1500) != sf::Socket::Done) exit (1);
std::cout << "Waiting for message...\n";
sf::IpAddress sender;
unsigned short psender;
while (1==1) {
sf::Packet packet;
socket.receive(packet, sender, psender);
if (packet >> msg) {
std::cout << msg;
return 0;
Everything was fine when there was no loop, but I want to receive more than one packet

EDIT: So I've tried to edit my code, done the receiver in another thread and in the main loop I just wait to type "exit". The messages are received properly, but they print after I press enter or write something. I get a feeling that I'm missing something, but looking the example (https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Source:-Network-Chat-Example) there's nothing I can think of

EDIT 2: Could it be because there's no std::endl at the end of std::cout while sending message and it has something to do with buffer? I can't check it right now and I'm dying inside a little

EDIT 3: Yes, it was it. Just needed to add the eol and it's working properly now