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Messages - Mithra

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Can a RenderTexture be resized?
« on: February 22, 2019, 05:14:44 pm »
Hey guys!

I have a dynamic width requirement for a sprite generated from a RenderTexture, but redundant calls to rt.create don't seem to reinitialize it to the new width ( apparently I'm not supposed to do it this way )

Is there a proper way to destroy and recreate a RenderTexture?


Basically I've created a custom font class that makes a single sprite out of a line of text, but only when the text changes.  If I call create redundantly, I see graphical artifacts at the edge of my sprite, which tells me the texture probably didn't resize.  Hopefully there is a better solution than creating the render texture once to the entire width of the window (since I may have dozens of these objects)

This is what I'm doing when the text changes..

rt.create( width, height);

rt.clear( sf::Color( 0,0,0,0));

DrawText( pszString, rshader, tint);


textureText = rt.getTexture();
spriteText.setTexture( textureText);

Any feedback is appreciated, thank you!!

Window / Re: Window resizing?
« on: November 17, 2015, 01:50:43 am »
Perfect, thank you Laurent!  I was having the same problem.

Graphics / Re: Problem manipulating gl_FragColor in my fragment shader
« on: November 09, 2015, 06:37:35 pm »
Thank you Laurent!

I did figure out at the end that I needed to acquire the color from the texture with a call to texture2D.   I should not be coding at 4:00 in the morning ;)

Graphics / Problem manipulating gl_FragColor in my fragment shader
« on: November 09, 2015, 10:15:14 am »
Hey all, I'm kind of stuck on something.  Any help would be appreciated!

I'm trying to convert a game I wrote in XNA to SFML and I'm having difficulty porting an HLSL pixel shader I wrote over to GLSL.  It should be a simple thing but somehow I'm not getting the desired output.

Basically, I want to render a sprite with transparency, but setting the non-transparent pixels to a passed value so that it might appear solid-color like so :

My sprites load and display correctly under the default shader, but somehow what I'm writing ignores the alpha channel or I am not doing an operation correctly, I don't know.

My shader.frag looks like so:

uniform vec4 indexColor;

void main()

        if( gl_FragColor.a > 0.01) // set color to passed value
                gl_FragColor = indexColor;
                gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
        else // otherwise do not render this pixel
                gl_FragColor = 0;


This particular code renders everything transparent, so somehow I'm not evaluating the alpha channel correctly.

My code is calls this once per update:

window.clear( sf::Color( COLOR_BLACK));

shader.setParameter("texture", sf::Shader::CurrentTexture);

Then in my loop, for each sprite I call :

shader.setParameter("indexColor", sf::Color( 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 1.0f));

window.draw( sprite, &shader);

I do know the shader is loading because I can force it to draw everything a solid color.  Any ideas?  Thanks!


As per usual I may have resolved my own question, sorry!

I got it to work with this shader :

uniform sampler2D texture;

uniform float r;
uniform float g;
uniform float b;

void main()
        vec4 pixel = texture2D(texture, gl_TexCoord[0].xy);

        if( pixel.a > 0.1)
                pixel.r = r;
                pixel.g = g;
                pixel.b = b;

                pixel.a = 1.0;

                gl_FragColor = pixel;
                gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

I'm sure I don't need to pass the RGB individually but it works for now.

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