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Messages - Aeox

Pages: [1]
General / New To SFML, Creating a simple Tetris Game
« on: November 25, 2015, 11:43:19 am »

I am completely new to SFML as a program and i've been studying C++ at Uni for about 2-3 months now. We have just been introduced to SFML which will be included in a Game project we have just started working on. I have decided to create a simple Tetris game as the project since it's a bit challenging for a beginner but not completely impossible. As previously stated i am extremely new to all of this and if you happened to stumble on to this thread and feel helpful i would very much appreciate any tips, helpful comments or just friendly remarks considering creating a Tetris game and how to learn SFML.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and i hope you will leave a comment :)
All the best / Joel

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