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Messages - slash29

Pages: [1]
I am using SFML 2.1 in my latest project.
First thing to do is to try the latest version. 2.1 is old.

I have upgraded to 2.3 and am in the process distributing a new 2.3 version to the user who complained.
No results back yet. Will report here.

Speedwise, it is really necessary to draw to a rendertexture instead of a renderpanel dircetly ?
Maybe you should first explain why you're currently drawing to a RenderTexture first.

Well, I do not remember exactly but think I read that drawing to a rendertexture first results in better speed and decreases flickering of the display. But I might be wrong here and could rewrite the whole drawing stuff.
Should I ?

Best regards. Thanks for a great product BTW.



I am using SFML 2.1 in my latest project.
Drawing aircraft and NAV targets from FSX to an EFIS screen.
Realized by drawing the stuff to a rendertextue, which I clear first, then using the rentertexture as a Sprite to draw to the actual renderpanel.
Works like a charm with NVIDEA, but i recently got some reports from AMD users that the panel (obviously, see below) does not get cleared between drawing cycles.

Recent report was from a user with a AMD Radeon R9 200 Series card.

I have read on the internet that there was a rendertexture clear problem in the past, but it sounded as if that would have been resolved with version 1.6+

Any ideas, tricks or workarounds would be very welcome.

Speedwise, it is really necessary to draw to a rendertexture instead of a renderpanel dircetly ?

Best regards

Pages: [1]