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Messages - snerp

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Audio / Access to Current Music Data?
« on: January 30, 2016, 10:40:00 pm »
I'm wondering about building a Music + video art project where the video is dynamically generated based on the audio. So I was wondering, is there a way for me to poll data from the sound buffer?

Basically I want to do:
// Declare a new music
sf::Music music;
// Open it from an audio file
if (!music.openFromFile("music.ogg"))
    // error...
// Change some parameters
music.setLoop(true);         // make it loop
// Play it

And then every frame I want to check what the music has done since last frame. Does SFML have a way to do this? I assume it does since the audio module seems pretty powerful and people are recording audio with it?
Basically, think Audiosurf, I want to use the waveform to find the pitch and volume to use as inputs to generate visuals instead of a track.

Edit: some more info.

Basically, the part I'm having a problem with is accessing the sound data, also I'm not sure what format it's going to be in.

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