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General / glew.h not found in latest svn
« on: January 26, 2008, 02:38:14 pm »
Yes, but look here:


When I'm compiling, the SFML/Window/glew/ folder it's looking for, is src/SFML/Window/glew/, and there is no glew.h there.

General / glew.h not found in latest svn
« on: January 24, 2008, 07:03:31 pm »

I'm using svn revision 434 and glew.h is not found in src/SFML/Window/glew/, only in include/SFML/Window/glew/. OpenGL.hpp and Window.hpp is trying to include it from src/SFML/Window/glew/.

Just so you now, everything else is working if I move the file, so you might update your header files or move/copy glew.h

General discussions / Gentoo ebuild
« on: October 05, 2007, 04:40:08 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
So it is actually downloading them from the official website ? You can't provide a 100% offline version ? Or do you just have to provide the files in a separate archive ?

You specify the url to download from in the ebuild so yes, it's actually downloading the archive from the website. You can build packages with the compiled and installed data in it, but it's nothing that I've tested. It dosen't exist so many binary packages either, only big ones like openoffice.

General discussions / Gentoo ebuild
« on: October 05, 2007, 03:43:13 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Ok, so this is just like Debian or Mandriva packages (.deb and .rpm), right ?

Yes, it's like .deb and .rpm source packages, without containing the actual files :P

General discussions / Gentoo ebuild
« on: October 05, 2007, 11:14:51 am »
Quote from: "Laurent"
This looks great, but what is an ebuild exactly ? :D

When we talk about packages, we often mean software titles that are available to the Gentoo users through the Portage tree. The Portage tree is a collection of ebuilds, files that contain all information Portage needs to maintain software (install, search, query, ...). These ebuilds reside in /usr/portage by default.

Whenever you ask Portage to perform some action regarding software titles, it will use the ebuilds on your system as a base. It is therefore important that you regularly update the ebuilds on your system so Portage knows about new software, security updates, etc.

Took it right off gentoo.org. Portage is as you may think, the package manager for gentoo. The ebuilds describes where to fetch the source package, how to build and install it.

General discussions / Gentoo ebuild
« on: October 04, 2007, 11:50:21 pm »
Hi guys!

Thanks for the great SFML, it's working really great.
I'm working with S-Rave on our project which we use Gentoo for, so I wrote some ebuilds.

You can check them out in the viewvc: https://svn.radhuset.org/viewvc/pbox/pbox-portage/media-libs/sfml/
or checkout the code
Code: [Select]
svn co svn://svn.radhuset.org/pbox/pbox-portage/

These ebuilds works for me (at least the 1.1-ebuild  :wink: ). If you got any improvemets, attach a patch our trac at http://pbox.radhuset.org/ or just answer the thread  :D

EDIT: The reason I had to supply a patch for it to build on gentoo (via portage) is because your Makefiles doesn't support DESTDIR, and it probably should.

PS. Bump the version when you're releasing a new SFML, even if it's minor updates. It'll be easier for package managers to handle it, in portage you SHA256, MD5 and RMD160 hash the files and we don't want to bump the ebuild version. DS.

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