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Messages - darbycrashgi

Pages: [1]
Audio / Re: Can't play audiofile, just get random characters
« on: March 08, 2016, 04:39:07 pm »
Mixed Release and Debug?
I'm using visual 2015 on windows 8, with the build in debugger, if that's what you mean

Audio / Can't play audiofile, just get random characters
« on: March 08, 2016, 02:06:56 pm »
When I try to play an audiofile, I get a console window, which just shows a lot of random characters. And after that a screen pops-up saying: console-aplication3 has stopped working. When i open the debugger I get this error: Unhandled exception at 0x6B37DC17 (vcruntime140.dll) in ConsoleApplication3.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00CE4000.
This is my code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
int main()
   sf::Music test;
   if (!test.openFromFile("music.ogg"))
      return -1; // error
anybody knows what goes wrong?

Your path needs to include the SFML-2.3.2 as shown in your explorer window.
ok it works now! thanks everyone for their help.


contain a folder named

and does that folder contain a file named Graphics.hpp

and can you make a screenshot of your error message

and can you post a screenshot of your

and can you post the screenshots on http://imgur.com/

some of your screenshots are a little blurry
I've tried opening them in a new window and zooming in, but that only made it worse.
yes to all of that
here's a link to the imgurfolder: http://imgur.com/a/I9iaA

It seems the problem is in the preprocessor-parsing stage, (not linking stage), as it cannot find an SFML header. Have you copied the SFML hpp files into the C:\Users\merijin\Documents\sfml\lib? Didn't you want to put there something like C:\Users\merijin\Documents\sfml\include?
I copied the sfml folder from C:\Users\merijin\Documents\sfml\include into C:\Users\merijin\Documents\sfml\lib, still doesn't work 

I get a: cannot open include file: "SFML/graphics.hpp no such a file error when trying to dynamic link, I think this means I messed up when installing sfml, but I can't find where.
I've told the compiler where to find the header:

I've linked to the libraries:

And i've included the dlls:

I'm trying to run the testcode from the tutorial, on visual 2015, on windows 8
Anybody knows what goes wrong?

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