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Messages - SpectralMemories

Pages: [1]
DotNet / Sfml.Net cannot find csfml libraries
« on: March 22, 2018, 12:17:32 am »
Hello friends!
I am trying to create a multi-platform game using sfml in c#, and so far everything works except one thing: the sfmlnet assembly cannot find the csfml ones, and throws a DllNotFoundException. I am using ubuntu linux and mono / monodevelop to create the program, so of course I use the linux csfml libraries.

I mapped the name to the dll withing mono successfuly, so the sfmlnet dll searches for the right file, without finding it.

I tried mapping the entire path, putting the dlls (absolutely all of them) in the same folder as the executable, with no avail.

If anyone know why the csfml dlls are not found (cause it it cranking me up :p ), I would be very grateful

Many thanks,

General / Re: Export SFML project to Android
« on: March 12, 2016, 12:18:24 am »
Thanks! Do you have any idea when will those tutorials will come out?

General / Export SFML project to Android
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:43:14 pm »
Hi everyone. I currently have an SFML visual studio project (using dll files) and I made a simple game. My question is: is there a way to creat an apk package for android using that? I am asking this because I noticed RenderWindow has a touch event handler, which seems quite.odd in a window environnement. Or maybe it only is for tactile windows 8+ laptop. Thanks for any answer!

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