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Messages - Esan

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Issues with Mac book retina
« on: April 22, 2016, 06:03:58 pm »
Solution : set "NO" for High Resolution Capable in the ...-info.plist file.
That's it.

Graphics / Issues with Mac book retina
« on: March 16, 2016, 01:59:50 pm »
Hi everyone,

I'm facing 2 issues with someone that is using a Mac Book retina.

The first issue is that the rendering window of my app is too small. Native's resolution for retina display is 2560x1600 but the size of the display is only 13.3 inches. See attached bitmaps with the SFML template app. Notice that with the retina display, the window's title size is bigger than the one with the standard display. I feel that there is a mix between the retina's native display and the retina's scaled display. The window's title is displayed according to the scaled display, but not the window itself. Has anyone an idea on how to address this issue that ? I would like to have the app window conforming to the retina scaled size.

The second issue is that when the user minimizes the app, he always gets a crash. See attached crash log. Again, this issue occurs only for Mac having retina display. The crash seems to occur deeply inside Apple libraries. Any clue ?

For your information, I'm using version 2.3.2 of SFML. The user with the retina display is running OSX 10.11.3. Myself, I'm running OSX 10.11.1.

thanks for your help.

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