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Messages - Walker

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
General / Re: Advice on Background Coding.
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:02:01 am »
There is many, many ways to do what you want to do. It really depends on how you want it to look.

More importantly though - you probably shouldn't be moving your background at all, much less simulating it with a rigid body. Construct your background/scene with whatever you want, then leave it be and move a camera around on it (sf::View).

I would go for a tiled thing or just freely placed sprites, which you could place semi-randomly.

SFML website / Re: Slow and aborted loading of forum pages
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:16:16 pm »
I've been experiencing the same issue. Doesn't seem tied to a particular time of day but happened just now, loading this thread. Firefox 16.

General / Re: Text Input
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:14:59 am »
That's not a minimal example. If that's how your event handling looks, you should probably follow the events tutorial: http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.0/window-events.php which as well as covering the event loop has a section dedicated to TextEntered.

General / Re: Text Input
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:30:41 am »
A minimal example would have avoided all the guessing and you'd probably have your answer by now.

I'm going to guess that your keyboard is faulty.

General discussions / Re: SFML2 and Box2D Debug Draw
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:14:50 pm »
It's really not a difficult class to implement and the one you've found working in SFML version x will be trivial to port to whatever version you're using.

If you need help porting that code, point us to the code and tell us which part is giving you trouble.

General / Re: SFML 2.0 camelCase
« on: June 14, 2012, 02:40:03 pm »
Are you sure you've got that the right way around? The RC has the new naming convention (lower camelCase).

General discussions / Re: SFML 2.0 RC
« on: May 07, 2012, 02:03:00 am »
I can't tell if there is a reason for this or not. When you create an sf::CircleShape the origin is set as if it were at the top-left corner of a bounding box encasing the circle. I find it more intuitive to have the circle's origin at the centre of the circle.

SFML website / "Next »" goes to second page. Why not "Last"?
« on: April 27, 2012, 01:51:14 am »
Just noticed that while in the forum looking through threads (not in a thread yet), clicking "Next »" to access the thread instead of one of the other page numbers takes you to page 2. I can't personally see any reason for this, I clicked it hoping for it to take me to the last page of the thread. Which now seems useless anyway as longer threads seem to keep links to pages 1, 2 and 3 visible, then the last page number as well.

Simply put - Why have this:

    Thor 2.0
    Started by Nexus « 1 2 3 ... 5 Next » »

and not just:

    Thor 2.0
    Started by Nexus « 1 2 3 ... 5 »

The "Next »" is confusing! :-[

Graphics / Re: iTunes Effects
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:49:52 am »
Yes, you're best served to look for "music visualisation" and "beat detection". Check out MilkDrop (plugin for Winamp) for a very sophisticated and scriptable example (and open-source - DirectX though, I believe).

I wonder what makes you think one guy 'invented' music visualization? ???

Even a oscilator is some sort of music visualisation and those existed before any pc existed...

Jeff Minter pretty much invented

No one was talking about "some sort of music visualisation", this thread was always concerned with software. You also seem to have confused an oscilliscope (which was not developed to make pretties, anyway) with an oscillator.

Jeff Minter is often credited as the "inventor" of music visualisation software as he created some of the earliest music visualisation software and a lot of more recent work was based on concepts he pioneered. For example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Light_Machine

Graphics / Re: Shape::line produces 5 points?
« on: April 22, 2012, 06:23:27 am »
The reason is that the "line" shape can have arbitrary thickness - it's essentially a rectangle in the right position.

You should really decouple your physics from rendering anyway. Implement a simple line segment class with intersect method/s. Or google for one, I'm sure they're out there.

General / Re: Shaders and SFML: Has anyone got a good tutorial?
« on: April 06, 2012, 11:00:55 am »
The docs have a pretty comprehensive explanation. The shader sample should be rather useful too.

What is your issue? What have you tried?

If you're looking for example shaders, you might want to focus your searches on something like "glsl post processing".

There are networking libraries around. Some are relatively simple socket wrappers (like SFML) and some have higher-level features like client/server stuff.

I tried some game networking libs when I first wanted to make networked games and it didn't help at all. I have had far more success using raw sockets then writing a wrapper over it to support extra stuff I wanted like compression.

Bottom line:
I don't think changing library will help you much if you are having problem grasping the concept.

If you post your actual problem in the networking part of the forum, people will definitely help you out. But a few tips: Use the console. Don't use threads.

General / Collision Detection in "more advanced" 2D Scenario
« on: March 10, 2012, 08:20:42 am »
For Pacman, checking every object for collisions against every other object should be fine.

For more complex scenes, dividing the world up is definitely the way to go. Quadtrees are probably the right thing to suggest at this point. Though a simpler system with a fixed number of buckets can still be hugely beneficial if that's all that is required.

Graphics / Questions About Textures in SFML
« on: February 20, 2012, 12:58:46 pm »
The main reason for power of two textures is to more efficiently fill video memory. A non power of two texture will be padded and use the same amount of memory as the next up power of two size texture. An example: A 300x300 texture will use the same amount of memory as a 512x512 one.

I believe on ATi cards (at least in the past) it's also important to have square textures - a 512x256 texture would actually be padded to 512x512. I'm really not certain on this though and someone more knowledgable could clarify, but square textures are nice anyway. :wink:

100kb is a very small texture. I'm not sure if you're referring to the size of the compressed image on the hard drive or not. Keep in mind that textures are not stored compressed in V-RAM and that memory usage is (usually) much more important than disk space.

General / Loading SFML libraries in Dev C++
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:04:22 am »
I think the general consensus will be: Get a new IDE :)

Just download the express edition of Visual C++. Or if you don't want to use Microsoft's IDE, get Code::Blocks. It's a very capable IDE and is completely free and open-source.

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