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Messages - GregStuart

Pages: [1]
What would you suggest I do?

Have a bool or something which I set to false after first render, and then only set to true again if the sprite has actually been changed?

Due to the lack of help.

I kinda did it "My way"

And I've probably done it in a very inefficient way.

I made this to hold the textures:

vector<Texture> Textures;

and in my MakeSprite method, after getting the texture, I push it onto the back, just like I do with sprites.

            Sprite spr;

then this basically sets the texture to the correct one.

Sprite Game::RenderSprite(int i, int x, int y)
   Spritesheet.at(i).setPosition(x, y);
   return Spritesheet.at(i);

The issue is, this is now getting called every frame.

int Game::MainLoop() {


   RenderWindow window(VideoMode(1920, 1080), "Conduit");

   MakeCircle(10, 100, 100, Color::White);

   if (!LoadSpritesheet())
      return 1;

   while (window.isOpen()) {

      Event event;
      while (window.pollEvent(event)) {

         if (event.type == Event::Closed)


      window.draw(RenderSprite(2, 10, 10));
      window.draw(RenderSprite(4, 10, 40));
      window.draw(RenderSprite(10, 10, 80));
      window.draw(RenderSprite(11, 10, 120));



But I guess it works?

Basically, the texture is applied to the sprite, then the sprite is added to the list.

I reuse that tex object for all 128 sprites, so yes, it is overwritten 128 times.

Does this mean I need to have an instance of every texture in it's own array?

I'm changing my Game to a singleton object atm.

Hey, I have a weird issue.

So, I have this method that should make 8x8 sprites from a spritesheet and put them into a list of sprites, which it does.

however, when I spawn a sprite, It shares the same texture as the very last Sprite in the list.

So, Sprite 1 should have texture 1, but it has the texture of sprite 128.

This is the same for every sprite in my list.

How would I resolve this?

If I was going to take a guess, I'd need to also store the texture somehow? perhaps in a second textures vector? but then whenever I loaded a sprite I'd need to set the texture of it equal to the texture at the same position in the sister vector? I feel like I'm overcomplicating this/doing it the wrong way.


Any help would be appreciated.

void SpriteMaker(int dimension, int scale)

   int c = 0, r = 0, y = sheetIMG.getSize().y, x = sheetIMG.getSize().x;

      for (int i = 0; i <= (x * y) / 64; i++)
         if (r == 64)
         if (!tex.loadFromImage(sheetIMG, IntRect(c, r, dimension, dimension)))
            Sprite spr;
            spr.setScale(scale, scale);
            c += dimension;
            if (c == x) { c = 0; r+=8; };
   } while (r < y);      

Pages: [1]