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Messages - Lin

Pages: [1]
SFML development / Re: sf::Time & sf::Clock vs C++11 chrono
« on: March 09, 2017, 05:51:46 am »
I'd like SFML to keep its own clock wrapper because I use the C binding of SFML, and removal of it would require me to use another library or do an extra step to link <chrono> in my project.

General discussions / Re: Discord Anyone?
« on: March 03, 2017, 03:00:29 am »
Discord is nice, and especially a great way for voice communication. But for text I'd rather recommend using the already established IRC channel at chat.sfml-dev.org instead of further fragmenting the potential user base.

What are your issues with IRC? UI/UX?
I simply just like the Discord client much more :) It's very easy to keep track of who's talking, media is embedded, you can have quotes and code, and it's overall very pleasing to the eye. These are just my opinions, and by no means am I saying abandon the IRC in favor of it, but rather it'd be a nice addition. I think there are relay bots as well that will interface the two.

General discussions / Discord Anyone?
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:36:57 am »
Has there been any discussion about having an official Discord channel for SFML? I know a big part of this community is "if it's not broke, don't fix it", but even as a long-time IRC user, I find it easier to follow and use.

Side note: This isn't a topic for which is better or more secure overall, just if the idea has ever been tossed around.

General discussions / How do YOU make editors?
« on: September 22, 2016, 11:54:06 am »
This topic is mostly regarding language and framework of choice for making game editors. The types of editors would be complete, so have features to modify everything plain data sets to level designs (graphic and sprite work not required, leave that to external tools). Here are some things to consider when picking a language and framework.

Language and Frameworks Considerations
  • Portability - must run on the major operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc)
  • Performance - obvious
  • Integration - ideally you can link against your game engine
  • Modularity - it's easy to add new features and possibly support plugins etc
  • RAD - you don't spend more time working on the editor than the game
  • Appearance - not the most important part, but at the end of the day it's nice
  • Design - the best editors are the ones you can customize, so docking/floating/resizing frames and windows is great (keep RAD in mind); ideally can just write in code instead of needing a window designer
My project uses CSFML and C is my language of choice, so anything that has bindings for C is a plus. What do you use?

SFML projects / Re:creation - a top down action adventure about undeads
« on: September 22, 2016, 11:24:50 am »
Btw, I'm working on the game pretty hard now. Fixing old rusty code, adding necessary stuff, cleaning up the engine structure, etc. Hope I'll finish all that stuff soon. Any tips on not over engineering and being okay with some your code? (There needs to be book on that, ha-ha!)
That seems to be the theme of every programmer that does everything for personal gain, including myself :( To prevent it, I've decided to just keep everything the same until the end and I have a finished product. Then when I want to do version 1.1, or start optimizing the code, or implement modding support etc, I'll go back and redo what I feel needs redoing. As you work, you'll always come up with ideas for how things could better be done, but you'll never actually get things done that way.

So in short, the only solution is don't (lol) - that's what planning is for I guess.

That looks really nice. The interface is clean, the system is flexible, and overall it's very powerful. I like it a lot!

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