Hi everyone !
I work on a little GUI system for fun with SFML and I met a strange behavior with sf::View. I’ve made a simple version of the problem. The goal of this example is to draw 3 rectangles, each one within the other with a viewport.
If i call my function draw like that
draw(window, window.getView());
the last rectangle is not well positioned.
http://imgur.com/91UU5JsBut if I call it like that it works and this confused me a lot…
sf::View myView = window.getView();
draw(window, myView);
http://imgur.com/4kVlLNbI compared the two views with the Visual Studio debbuger but they are identical.
http://imgur.com/tLVldD1(even if the hexadecimal number at the beginning of the matrix is different, the content is however identical)
This is the code of the example.
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
void draw(sf::RenderWindow &window, const sf::View &viewWindow)
sf::View viewParent = window.getView();
//---draw rec1---
sf::RectangleShape rec1(sf::Vector2f(500, 500));
rec1.setPosition(360, 110);
sf::View viewRec1(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, rec1.getSize().x, rec1.getSize().y));//create a view with the same size and position as rec1
rec1.getPosition().x / viewWindow.getSize().x,
rec1.getPosition().y / viewWindow.getSize().y,
rec1.getSize().x / viewWindow.getSize().x,
rec1.getSize().y / viewWindow.getSize().y
//---draw rec2 inside rec1---
sf::RectangleShape rec2(sf::Vector2f(300, 300));
rec2.setPosition(rec1.getSize().x/2 - rec2.getSize().x/2, rec1.getSize().y / 2 - rec2.getSize().y / 2);
sf::View viewRec2(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, rec2.getSize().x, rec2.getSize().y));//create a view with the same size and position as rec2 "inside" the rec1's view
window.getView().getViewport().left + (rec2.getPosition().x / viewWindow.getSize().x),
window.getView().getViewport().top + (rec2.getPosition().y / viewWindow.getSize().y),
rec2.getSize().x / viewWindow.getSize().x,
rec2.getSize().y / viewWindow.getSize().y
//---draw rec3 inside rec2
sf::RectangleShape rec3(sf::Vector2f(100, 100));
rec3.setPosition(rec2.getSize().x / 2 - rec3.getSize().x / 2, rec2.getSize().y / 2 - rec3.getSize().y / 2);
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1220, 720), "Test bug view SFML");
sf::Event event;
while (window.isOpen())
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
else if (event.type == sf::Event::Resized)
window.setView(sf::View(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, event.size.width, event.size.height)));
//Don't work, the last rectangle is not center
//draw(window, window.getView());
//but this work ?!
sf::View myView = window.getView();
draw(window, myView);
return 0;
I’m sure I made a dumb mistake somewhere but I fail to find it. Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance