SFML projects / Re: Screenshot Thread
« on: July 25, 2016, 05:56:19 pm »working on saving -> loading; not quite there yet.Can you give more info? Do you have a dedicated thread ? I always wanted to do a clone of that game (mainly because the limited space to do things in the original) and i'm very interested in follow any tech-thing about that project. A devblog maybe ?Nice to see someone else is interested in the project
There is not much to say; most of the work has already been done by Zach.
As you can see the grid size can be changed:
I tried to increase it to 200 by 300; it worked, but you can't screenshoot something larger than your screen : (
As previously mentioned, I'm open to suggestions
I stumbled upon this screenshot, and I've been looking to extend my designs to a larger simulation field (i managed to fit an extra bit into the 8BITSRAM level in KOHCTPYKTOP) Would you still have a copy of this program and/or it's source code?