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Messages - JamesListener

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: loadFromFile works only in Release on x64 version
« on: August 08, 2016, 07:34:23 pm »
Oh. Right. I am an idiot.
OF COURSE I linked libs without -d.
Nice. Please, bombard me with rotten eggs. I deserve this.

Thanks a lot for helping me out.
Question is closed.

Graphics / Re: loadFromFile works only in Release on x64 version
« on: August 08, 2016, 12:19:17 pm »
Sorry for my awful English... Not my native language...

Graphics / Re: loadFromFile works only in Release on x64 version
« on: August 08, 2016, 11:50:55 am »
When I removed the picture and compiled code, I've got a message from cerr that image couldn't be opened. In Debug mode I've never get such a message.
1) Release, image removed:

2) Debug, image removed or image exists - doesn't matter:

Graphics / Re: loadFromFile works only in Release on x64 version
« on: August 08, 2016, 11:28:56 am »
Nope. Working Directory is set to Project folder. I've already checked it. And I even have copied "image" folder everywhere I could inside the solution. Still doesn't work.

Graphics / loadFromFile works only in Release on x64 version
« on: August 08, 2016, 02:19:33 am »
Hello everyone.
I've got a problem with loading a picture.

loadFromFile always returns "false" (both on Image and Texture) in Debug mode, but works fine in Release.
And this is so on x64 version of library (of course I compile it under x64 platform).
If i take x86 version of sfml, it works fine in both Release and Debug modes.

I've found one topic on another forum, where some guy has got the same trouble, but he didn't get any good explanation. On this forum I didn't find similar questions.

What should I do to make it work in Debug mode?

Win10 x64, VS 2015 x64, SFML 2.3.2 64bit version.

Code is pretty simple:
Code: [Select]
Texture tileset;
if (tileset.loadFromFile("images/basic.png"))
printf("picture loaded");
printf("picture NOT loaded");

Pages: [1]