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Messages - Drysteven

Pages: [1]
Window / Re: Different Window Sizes
« on: August 18, 2016, 04:41:30 pm »
.intersects takes a rect so will use all four members (including left and top).
The question here is what is "mouse"? Is it a rectangle?

Yes, mouse is a 1 pixel by 1 pixel rectangle that I set to always be at the mouse coordinates.

Window / Re: Different Window Sizes
« on: August 18, 2016, 07:22:48 am »
As well as the co-ordinate conversion advice given by G, be aware that a similar symptom could be caused by mistakingly using local bounds instead of global bounds.

Use global bounds and convert them :)

Note: don't forget the left and top values of the bounds. This is especially important for text.

This is the line I am using to test for the box over the mouse, mouse, intersects the play text, play.

if (mouse.intersects(play.getGlobalBounds()) == true)

How would I add top and left in this. Would I have to make something with if play.getGlobalBounds().x, play.getGlobalBounds().y, play.getGlobalBounds().top, play.getGlobalBounds().left? If so can you please give me an example of how to do this. Thank you.

Window / Different Window Sizes
« on: August 17, 2016, 06:35:56 am »
I am currently trying to make text in the window and then make the text clickable by the user and I have successfully done this, but if I change the window size then it only detects a click when it is in the top left corner and not on the right or bottom of the text. I made it so that the text relative to the background which placed it in the right spot I need to know how to change the size relative to the resolution or if there is a much easier way of doing text click detection on text. I am using a small box set to the mouse's coordinates and then testing if it is on the text. Thank you for reading.

Pages: [1]