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Messages - Bryan Pope

Pages: [1]
Good evening,

In the downloaded code, chapter 10, ECS/Core/System_Manager.h has an #include "../../Debug/DebugOverlay.h", but that directory/file does not exist in any of the downloaded code's chapters.

Maybe it was clobbered because Visual Studio uses the Debug directory when compiling?  I commented this line out and was able to successfully compile.



I for one would pay more for a second edition that was longer and had even more well-written information.  I personally really like this book more for the C++ and great discussion of creating a basic game engine using the Entity Component System design pattern and less about the SFML.  Maybe use... errr... I don't know..,,  bgfx in your next book?



Good afternoon,

Yes you are correct about the Shlwapi.h, windows.h and shlwapi.lib being covered in Chapter 6, I had forgotten that.  Also, you are right, I do not need PathCch.h.

Yes, in the Code Download zip file chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 14 have .cfg files that also have a .txt appended to them.  I have reported this to Packt using their submit errata.

Thanks so much!,


I finally got the Chapter 11 code to work! :)  But I had to do a little bit more than your suggestions:

- I went with std::map to replace std::unordered_map for GUI_Interfaces
- I finally went and used the "A" versions of GetModuleFileName and PathRemoveFileSpec, as I would have needed to change path back to a char, plus I was getting linker errors on the W versions of those two functions..
- but that also had issues - there were linker errors here as well for both functions
- after some googling, I added shlwapi.lib to my dependencies and also included PathCch.h and Shlwapi.h to Utilities.h.  But I then received quite a few errors "No target architecture".  To fix this I also included Windows.h in Utilities.h.
- when I ran it I was getting a nullptr error
- to fix this I copied the *contents* of the Asset directory into the Debug directory, plus I also had to remove the .txt extension from each of the .cfg files.

Next step is to play around with the code a bit!


Bryan Pope

Good evening,

I am trying to compile the code from Chapter 11, but unfortunately I am getting a couple errors:
- std::unordered_map has no member rbegin or rend
- Utilities.h, char * is incompatible with Utils::LPWSTR

Do I need to do some other setup in VS2015?  (Other than VC++ Directories, C/C++ Preprocessor, Linker General and Input)


Bryan Pope

Pages: [1]