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Graphics / Re: Text setFont error
« on: August 19, 2016, 02:19:57 pm »
Thanks for reply!
Now everything is ok!

I'm newbie to c++, sorry for disturbing you.

Graphics / Re: Text setFont error
« on: August 19, 2016, 12:52:18 pm »
I'm running in debug mode.

I've attached call stack screenshot.

Seems that problem is here:

void Console::Render(sf::RenderWindow& window)

On window.draw(m_input) i've got:
Frames below may be incorrect and / or missing, no symbols loaded for sfml-grahpics-d-2.dll

Graphics / Text setFont error
« on: August 19, 2016, 11:12:11 am »

I'm using Visual Studio express 2013 + SFML 2.4.0 for vc12 32-bit.

Here goes problem code:

sf::Font font;
if (!font.loadFromFile("res/Calibri.ttf")) {
        std::cout << "Font load error" << std::endl;
} else {
        std::cout << "Font no error" << std::endl;


Font is loading with no errors!
But i got exception on m_input.setFont(font).

I've put error message and my additional dependencies screenshots at atachments.

Any clues?

Pages: [1]