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Messages - bleakhouse

Pages: [1]
Audio / Re: Audio crashes of exit
« on: September 15, 2016, 08:18:09 pm »
I just started using SFML myself this week.
I am using VC2008 and a Windows XP machine.
Yes, yes I know, hopelessly old fashioned and courting the rath of every bad guy on the net for not keeping up with the herd.:)
I encountered the exact same bug you mentioned using v2.1 (the latest version that supports vc2008).
Using the pre-built example program "sound.exe" that ships with the sdk I noticed that program did not crash on exit, after you copy openal32.dll and libsndfile-1.dll in to the folder with the app.

I then started rebuilding the sound.cpp example program in VC2008, using different configurations.
It turns out, at least for me, that if you statically link to the SFML libraries instead of dynamically linking to the dll versions, the crash goes away.
I built the sound example with dll linking, and it crashed every single time on exit.
I built it with static linking, and it worked fine.
Some interaction between  the sfml audio dll shutdown code and Windows XP, isn't playing nice.
For now I'll use static linking since, from reading this thread, it seems clear that the developers are more willing to comment on our choice of operating system, than in fixing a major, repeatable, crash issue.

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