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Messages - Clyx

Pages: [1]
Thanks for your answer ! That works ! I have just a little problem how to properly disconnect a client from the server ?

When I have to remove a client I do this :

//NB : ClientConnection class is just a class that holds an id, the socket and some methods.
ClientConnection *client = m_activesConnections.at(id);
//m_activesConnections is a map<unsigned short, ClientConnection*>
delete client;

I have done this in the destructor of ClientConnection:

ClientConnection::~ClientConnection() {
    std::cout << "Destroyed ClientConnection " << m_id <<  std::endl;

But when I remove a client, and the I try to reconnect a new client it doesn' work it doesn't detect new client..

Here is a part of my server (inspired from the doc):

void Server::start() {

    if(m_port == 0){
        std::cerr << "Error the server must have a port !" << std::endl;

    if(m_listener.listen(m_port) != sf::Socket::Done){
        std::cerr << "Error while starting server, port is already in use" << std::endl;


    m_active = true;
    std::cout << "Server started on port " << m_port << " waiting for new client..." << std::endl;


                sf::TcpSocket *client = new sf::TcpSocket;
                if(m_listener.accept(*client) == sf::Socket::Done){
                    ClientConnection *clientConnection = new ClientConnection(*client);
                    std::cout << "new client detected, waiting for handshaking.." << std::endl;
                    delete client;
                for(std::map<unsigned short, ClientConnection*>::iterator it = m_activesConnections.begin(); it != m_activesConnections.end(); it++) {
                    if(&it == nullptr){
                        std::cerr << "Error" << std::endl;
                    if(it->second != nullptr) {
                        sf::TcpSocket *client = it->second->getSocket();
                        if (m_selector.isReady(*client)) {

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks you!


Thanks for your answer,

Yeah I forgot to comment the line which call the function synchronously, what do you mean by checking the value of the receive() ? Could you show me an example on how to handle packet correctly ?

I'm troubled, tou say that starting a thread for each client is questionnable, but how to do it otherwise ? I thought it was a must to keep the connexion with the client alive. Could you explain ?

The ClientConnection class is not really important it has just some getter for now.



Network / Help about creating server which handles many client connections
« on: December 08, 2016, 07:12:42 pm »
Hi, I'm working on a game working in multiplayer mode, but I'm facing some problems trying to set up a working server which can accepts more than one connection.

How the server should work to my mind

The server starts, the he wait for new client connection, So I have a loop that is active until the server stop.
For each new connection I start a new thread which willl handle comunication with the client, each client are stored in a map width an id and an object representing the connection. So in the thread method I have a loop which runs while the connection is still alive, in this method I handle pakets.

I have to use packets to tranfers data because the project it is more easier. I use TCP packet.

So I would like to know how this kind of server should be done ? How handle connection/disconnection, receiving packets ...

My problem
My server receive the packet but use almost 20% of the processor, I receive 0 in the packet but it shouldn't because I send 42.

This is what I've done (which doesn't work):

bool Client::connect() {
    bool success = m_socket.connect(m_host, m_port) == sf::Socket::Done;

        std::cout << "Connected !" << std::endl;
        m_active = true;
        std::thread thread(sendData, this);
        std::cerr << "Unable to connect to server" << std::endl;

    return success;

//Method which send data
void Client::sendData() {
    sf::Packet packet;
    int i = 42;
    packet << i;


void Server::start() {

    if(m_port == 0){
        std::cerr << "Error the server must have a port !" << std::endl;

    if(m_listener.listen(m_port) != sf::Socket::Done){
        std::cerr << "Error while starting server, port is already in use" << std::endl;

    m_active = true;
    std::cout << "Server started on port " << m_port << " waiting for new client..." << std::endl;

    sf::TcpSocket clientSocket;


        if(m_listener.accept(clientSocket) != sf::Socket::Done){
            std::cerr << "Error while receiving new connection" << std::endl;

        unsigned short id = generateClientId();
        ClientConnection *clientConnection = new ClientConnection(0, clientSocket);
        addClient(id, clientConnection);
        std::cout << "New client connected, starting thread !" << std::endl;
        std::thread thread(&ClientConnection::listenPackets, clientConnection);

    std::cout << "Server stopped" << std::endl;


//Method which receive packets
void ClientConnection::listenPackets() {
    sf::Packet packet;
    int a;
            packet >> a;
            std::cout << "Recu " << a << std::endl;

So here are most interesting parts, any help is welcomed.

Thanks :)


General / Re: Hexagonal grid with vertexarray
« on: October 10, 2016, 04:12:56 pm »
Thanks for your answer,

but I don't understand how can I tell that a new fan starts? I'm totally confused about that..

General / Re: Hexagonal grid with vertexarray
« on: October 10, 2016, 04:02:20 pm »
Yeah.. I tried again and again.. But I'm not able to figure out :/

My code :

(click to show/hide)

I don't know why it doesn't work, it seems that the second hex starts from the origin of the previous.

This is what I get :

Any idea?

Thanks you

General / Re: Hexagonal grid with vertexarray
« on: October 07, 2016, 11:41:35 am »
Thanks for your answer !

What I want to do is basically setup my vertices variable which is a VertexArray and fill it with the good hexagon's corner and then simply draw it with the RenderWindow.

So I'd like to know what do I have to put for each hex hex[0] hex[1] ...
I'm using the tutorial http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.0/graphics-vertex-array.php

Also I don't know which drawing mode I have to user, do I use Triangles, TrianglesFan , TrianlesStrip or something else?

I'm sorry for my english , I do my best to be understandable.


General / Hexagonal grid with vertexarray
« on: October 06, 2016, 09:15:34 pm »

I'm stucked for about 1 week trying to make an algorithm which will allow me to render an hexagonal tilemap.

I would like to know how I can implement this system through SFML in an optimzed way.

For now I have a class which extends Drawable and that's all...

Here is what I've done :

(click to show/hide)

PS: I woud like to have pointy hexagon.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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