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Messages - larryturtis

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: SFML-Like entities and Vertex Arrays
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:37:45 pm »
Thanks, this is great. I will take a look at Sprite batching.

Graphics / Re: SFML-Like entities and Vertex Arrays
« on: November 06, 2016, 11:17:32 pm »
Thank you. No, those numbers are purely theoretical. It sounds you are suggesting there is a way to have multiple Drawable objects and then combine them into a single draw call... is there any documentation or sample code I could look into?

Graphics / SFML-Like entities and Vertex Arrays
« on: November 06, 2016, 09:13:46 pm »
I've been looking at the SFML C++ library and am interested in using it to build some 2D graphics apps. I don't want to learn OpenGL if I can avoid it; I'm okay working at the level of abstraction SFML provides.

In reading the documentation, I've determined that there are performance gains to be had in putting most of my objects into vertexArrays. I don't need or care about textures at this point, simple colors and geometry are fine.

Now, let's say I have around 50,000 triangles and I want to display them in 5 layers of 10,000 triangles each. I can either try to manage them in a single SFML entity or I can create 5 SFML entities and manage each as its own layer. The latter approach seems easier in terms of maintainability, but from a performance standpoint, does it matter? Will I get significant performance gains if I use a single entity?

What about if I up the number of layers from 5 to 500? Does that change anything?

Thanks for your help!

Pages: [1]