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Messages - Martin379

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Update CircleShape color in other thread
« on: May 25, 2017, 03:48:49 am »
I reduced the code to just basics. The app basically draw a sprite and a circle shape showing the state of a usb card-reader connected to the pc. When the card-reader is plugged in changes the circleshape color, then it do some stuff, like giving format to the card-reader, copy some files to,..., and then finally do a safe-remove.

every state is coded with a color and it handles as max usb ports as u have to plug in card-readers, so the second thread is intended to Format drive, copy files,..., safe-remove, without stopping the main thread who is listening windows events, drawing, and creating threads for every card-reader.

if i just call a function i will be calling a function from the second thread, so i suppose is the same.

what i'm doing is creating a win32 app, starting a windows, subscribing it to the WM_DEVICECHANGE windows event and hiding it. What i discover from unhide that window is when the win32 window is onfocus or active i don't have the problem to move the mouse or press a key to update the rendering.

why it happens idk. That is why i asked here https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=22016.0 if there is a way to subscribe the render window to the WM_DEVICECHANGE windows event directly with out creating the Win32 window.

or can i create a sf::view or a sf::renderwindow inside the win32 window?

Thanks anyway.

Is there a way to do that?

I know how to do it in a win32 application.

Any help will be appreciated.


General / Re: Update CircleShape color in other thread
« on: May 25, 2017, 01:15:06 am »
This is the Main Loop:

void Manager::Run()
while (m_window->m_renderWindow.isOpen())
        sf::Event evnt;
        while (m_window->m_renderWindow.pollEvent(evnt));
            if (evnt.type == sf::Event::Closed)


This is the Draw funtion:

void Manager::Draw()
    //Drive container.second only has a pointer to class EgClass*
    DriveContainer::iterator itr = m_DriveContainer.begin();
    for (; itr != m_DriveContainer.end(); )


this is the draw function of the instance:

void EgClass::Draw(sf::RenderWindow& renderWindow)

and this is a thread launched when i create the instance

void EgClass::Run()

    while (m_state != L"Done")
        m_state = L"Done";


General / Update CircleShape color in other thread
« on: May 25, 2017, 12:58:07 am »
Hello guys i'm trying to do what the title says, i'm not doing any multi-threading rendering, its just a thread that updates the color of a CircleShape, it works fine excepts that i only see the new color when i move the mouse or press any key, it means on any event.

i cant find something similar on the forum or google.

i appreciate any clue about what is happening.


Pages: [1]