General discussions / Re: Mastering SFML Game Development (n-th SFML book?)
« on: June 14, 2017, 05:15:37 am »
Hi OrderNexus, thank you for the reply.
About your questions:
1. No, there was no other types of lag: just the player movement. I tried using your version of chapter 9 files, just compiled and run and I experience the same issue. This issue started happening after chapter 5 (when we cut off SFML and started using openGL).
1.1. My delta time during the update? Let me know exactly what you want me to create so I can log something for you to see.
2. GLEW version I use is the latest on their website (v 2.0.0) which supports opennGL up to 4.5. My graphics card is simple, it only supports up to 4.4, but that didn't seemed to be the problem, because I use 4.4 in the context setting inside Window::Create() and I was able to follow the entire chapter 6 (when you create a rotating 3D cube on the screen as an introduction to openGL) and it compiled and ran just fine. As a comparisson, here is the setting I am using:
About your questions:
1. No, there was no other types of lag: just the player movement. I tried using your version of chapter 9 files, just compiled and run and I experience the same issue. This issue started happening after chapter 5 (when we cut off SFML and started using openGL).
1.1. My delta time during the update? Let me know exactly what you want me to create so I can log something for you to see.
2. GLEW version I use is the latest on their website (v 2.0.0) which supports opennGL up to 4.5. My graphics card is simple, it only supports up to 4.4, but that didn't seemed to be the problem, because I use 4.4 in the context setting inside Window::Create() and I was able to follow the entire chapter 6 (when you create a rotating 3D cube on the screen as an introduction to openGL) and it compiled and ran just fine. As a comparisson, here is the setting I am using:
void Window::Create() {
sf::Uint32 style = sf::Style::Default;
if (m_isFullscreen) { style = sf::Style::Fullscreen; }
sf::ContextSettings settings;
settings.depthBits = 24;
settings.stencilBits = 8;
settings.antialiasingLevel = 0;
settings.majorVersion = 4;
settings.minorVersion = 4;
sf::VideoMode(m_windowSize.x, m_windowSize.y, 32), m_windowTitle, style, settings);
Actually, the engine with those context settings compiled every time until chapter 9. It only started throwing an exception when we created that class called "GenericFBO" and used it to create the framebuffer m_FBO. The exception is thrown in this line:sf::Uint32 style = sf::Style::Default;
if (m_isFullscreen) { style = sf::Style::Fullscreen; }
sf::ContextSettings settings;
settings.depthBits = 24;
settings.stencilBits = 8;
settings.antialiasingLevel = 0;
settings.majorVersion = 4;
settings.minorVersion = 4;
sf::VideoMode(m_windowSize.x, m_windowSize.y, 32), m_windowTitle, style, settings);
void GenericFBO::Create() {
if (!m_FBO) { glCreateFramebuffers(1, &m_FBO); } // <-- exception throws right here!
and the exception message is attached to the attachments below my post, followed by my graphics card settings. Let me know what you would like me to do in order to solve this. I'm really into game programming. I love it and I don't want small stones in the path to break my motivation to keep going. I want to start the debugging tool for the engine. I also bought another C++ book to further my knowledge! (https://www.amazon.com/How-Program-10th-Paul-Deitel/dp/0134448235/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497409561&sr=8-1&keywords=deitel+deitel+c%2B%2B) Supposedly a very good one.
if (!m_FBO) { glCreateFramebuffers(1, &m_FBO); } // <-- exception throws right here!