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Messages - jdogg2727

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Good Way To "Lock" Something To A View
« on: March 12, 2017, 06:53:01 pm »
So I looked around for a good way to basically attach something to a view, but I couldn't find any great solutions.

Right now I'm trying to draw a tool box with text and images over top the rest of my editor for I can see information without it looking like a mess. Each frame the view moves I have to reset the position of the tool box, each image, and each text object.

if(*view moves*){
*update positioning for each object* //I don't want this step :(


Is there a way I can simply "attach" these to the view? Or would I maybe be better off drawing each of these to an image, positioning the image and then drawing that?

General / Re: Getting Rid Of Alphas Below A Certain Threshold
« on: February 14, 2017, 06:48:31 pm »
Ok cool, I would like to try the shader implementaion, would I need a Vertex shader and a Fragment shader? I tried implementing the shader and I'm just getting a white screen or artifacts, and I'm using just a fragment shader.

uniform float threshold;

void main()
    vec4 pixel = gl_Color;
    if (pixel.a >= threshold){
        pixel.a = 0.5f;

    gl_FragColor = pixel;

General / Getting Rid Of Alphas Below A Certain Threshold
« on: February 13, 2017, 11:25:05 pm »
I am currently following a tutorial on making 2D metaballs, http://nullcandy.com/2d-metaballs-in-xna/ and I'm trying to translate it to SFML.

currently I have the additive blending working, but I can't figure out how to get rid of alpha values below a certain point and make the alpha values above a certain point opaque.

From this...

To this...

Can I do that with SFML BlendModes? I'm still really new to a lot of the graphical side of SFML so I don't know which way would be the right way to go about it, thanks for any help ahead of time!

Pages: [1]