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Messages - Astamor

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Text is always blurry on low resolution games.
« on: June 16, 2024, 09:58:45 am »
I've tried basically everything but the .ttf fonts are always blurry. It's pixel art game so the resolution is low, 1024x576. Unfortunately despite pixel art being most common art style for indie games there isn't a single word about rendering text on lower resolution anywhere. I've tried converting .ttf to .fnt but SFML throws an error:
Failed to load font "../resources/kanit.fnt" (failed to create the font face).
What are my options to render sharp, crisp text ? Is there a common approach to this ?

Graphics / Combining sf::VertexArray with chunking ?
« on: June 13, 2024, 11:25:53 am »
I've been wondering how to approach this problem. I currently have tilemap loaded from Ldtk, it uses one big VertexArray to render entire map. This is fine for now since map size is 256x256 tiles. But this would be good moment to implement some kind of chunking. I'm not sure how do combine chunking with VertexArray. Should each chunk have it's own VertexArray ? But then I would need to render 9 smaller vertex arrays for all chunks surrounding player instead of one big array. Or should I have one vertex array and somehow change it's content based on what chunks are currently supposed to be rendered ? Or is there other solution ?

General / Re: Dividing 2d map into units ?
« on: February 14, 2017, 02:45:28 pm »
I've already made my player move, I've animated it, the player class is ready :) But thanks.

General / Dividing 2d map into units ?
« on: February 14, 2017, 01:44:18 am »
Not sure if I can explain it clearly but let's try.

I would like to slice my map(image) into squares. Let's say entire map is 320x320px and one square is supposed to be 32x32. So it would be 10x10 units. Character can only move from one unit to another. It's exactly like in Tibia. Your character can't move freely. When "transfering" character from one square to another, walking animation is played .I'm not asking for code, I'd love to know how to approach this problem.

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