« on: March 07, 2017, 08:18:10 pm »
I wasn't aggressive. Your replies came across as dismissive, that's all. But let's chalk it down to language, there's certainly no need for an apology, but thanks all the same. I've not actually offered any feedback on the library as a whole either, but having read the books, and used the library extensively I'd offer the following:
Adopt industry standards where they wont interfere with your overall vision for the project - i.e here, where any user coming from literally any other framework or application I'd expect to find UV coordinates normalized, and anyone who uses this framework from a no knowledge start point will then go on to be confused when they find the situation everywhere else to be different.
Simple Vector maths library, I realise this is now a pretty ancient debate and I've read both sides, but honestly, SFML will continue to feel incomplete until it does this. Your audience is (probably) mainly 2D pixel graphics style games on the whole so why not provide the basic maths for dealing with that. I get that it's a media library, but you offer Sprites (quite game specific, no?), but not Pi or a few simple operator overloads for working with vectors?
Anyway, thanks for your time, and for the effort you put in to SFML.