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Messages - SGauvin

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Re: Adding ContextSettings to RenderTexture
« on: June 23, 2017, 06:53:47 am »
I understand it isn't that simple, but if for example I want to draw a minimap on the corner of the screen, the only way I see how to do it is using a RenderTexture. So here I wouldn't be able to have antialiasing on my minimap. How should I do this?

Feature requests / Adding ContextSettings to RenderTexture
« on: June 22, 2017, 01:28:09 am »
I am using a sf::RenderTexture in my game. I draw everything on it before rendering the RenderTexture's sprite on a window.
I am doing this because simply rendering on the window created unwanted black lines, discussed here: https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=21694
This means that I can no longer have antialiasing enabled when drawing sprites to a RenderTexture.
The only topics I found talking about this are pretty old, and wanted to know if this is going to be a feature in future SFML versions.
I know I can use a shader as a workaround, but I think having it implemented inside SFML would be pretty useful  :)

Graphics / Re: Weird black line above sprite
« on: March 23, 2017, 02:09:22 am »
Thank you :)
I finally fixed it using a RenderTexture

Graphics / Weird black line above sprite
« on: March 22, 2017, 01:40:08 am »
My friend and I are making a 2D game engine, and we came across what we think is a bug.
In the picture, you can see a black line that shouldn't be there. Under the black line is a background sprite, moving with the rest of the level. To make it look like the sky of the background is infinite, we simply do this :
m_window.clear(sf::Color(254, 220, 200));

This is why the color above the background sprite is pink too.
We don't understand why there is this black line. It is not always there. It only appears when the sf::View is at certain vertical positions, so when jumping, the line is flickering. But if the player only moves horizontally, the line doesn't flicker.
Does anyone know why this is?
Thank you very much :)

Pages: [1]