Hey all.
I found SFML after I got annoyed with SDL for numerous reasons. Mostly due to the C-ness of it, and I like my stuff to be more OO.
I must say, from what I've seen, it looks to be very good, and performs well on benchmarks.
Especially things such as the Sprite class, which I find cut out a lot of the generic things like moving and setting images.
I'm trying to use it with VS2010 B2, mainly because it's generally a nice API (if a little bloated). Building from the 08VS source, I've found that only 6 of the 16 projects actually compile for me. The others get linker errors:
error LNK1181: cannot open input file '...\SFML-1.5-sdk-windows-vc2008\SFML-1.5\Temp\vc2008\sfml-system\Release static\sfml-system.lib'
I think, due to my general lack of technical knowledge of how stuff actually compiles, that the *.lib files are temporary, and the *.a are the permament (static) ones?
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Much thanks.
P.S. I think that's all I need to provide, ask if any more's needed.
P.P.S I look forward to coming here often.
EDIT: Changed settings to Debug/DLL, and now up to 11 successful.
However, I now get 5 linker 1104 errors:
error LNK1104: cannot open file '...\SFML-1.5-sdk-windows-vc2008\SFML-1.5\build\vc2008\..\..\Temp\vc2008\sfml-main\Debug\sfml-main.lib'
I'm not overly sure why, still...