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Messages - mikewu63

Pages: [1]
General / Continuously spawn enemies with a delay
« on: April 02, 2017, 02:56:56 pm »

I've recently started to learn SFML, and I'm currently working on a 2D game. I already have a player class and a bullet class, but now I'm having problems with spawning the enemies. Basically my idea is to spawn enemies (objects from class Enemy) with a delay of 3000ms. These enemies will spawn at a random position 0 to 600 for X and Y. However with my current code I can only spawn a single enemy object and draw it in the while loop.

This is my current code for the enemy class:

    class Enemy {
   Enemy(sf::Vector2f size) {

//... move();
   void setPos(sf::Vector2f pos){
   void drawTo(sf::RenderWindow &win) {
//... randomPos() and randomPos2() are here

   sf::RectangleShape en;


And my code to create a new enemy object:

        Enemy newEnemyObject({ 20, 20 });
   newEnemyObject.setPos({ newEnemyObject.randomPos(), newEnemyObject.randomPos2() });

I obviously can't put it in a function and put it delay on it and set it in the main loop because that will stop the whole program. I thought about threading, but how will I draw it?

Any help would be appreciated

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